
Toni's Reports

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By: Toni
Posted: 5/10/2021
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 5
Fished: 5/10/2021
Hot Spots: 3
We started at 7:30 and finished at 10:30am. It was chilly but sunny out. The water temperature was 59 degrees. Bites were furious at first then slowed down after 9am. There were several schools. Most...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/2/2021
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/2/2021
Hot Spots: 1
My son and I started fishing at 8:30am and he, of course, had a fish in the boat within about 2 minutes. We fished until noon. The water temperature was 60-62 degrees. Air temperature was about 60...
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By: Toni
Posted: 4/19/2021
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 4/18/2021
Hot Spots: 1
My son and I started fishing at 8am. The water temperature was 54 degrees. It was going to be a hot day at close to 80. We finished around noon. It was slow for us compared to last week. I went from ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 4/12/2021
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 4
Fished: 4/11/2021
Hot Spots: 1
My son and I started fishing at 8:30 and quit at 12:30. With the breeze it was cold most of the day but the sun did help as it was sunny. Tried to keep it on us until the fish started to bite. The ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 12/7/2020
Species: Squid
Rating: 3
Fished: 12/6/2020
Hot Spots: 0
Point Defiance 12-6-2020 We Launched at 10am and left at 3pm. High tide was at 9:53 am 12.5 feet, low tide was 7 foot at 4:07pm. It appears that my job is to clean the bottom. I brought up a lo...
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By: Toni
Posted: 11/28/2020
Species: Perch
Rating: 4
Fished: 11/28/2020
Hot Spots: 1
We went to American today for a few perch. Stayed 12-2:30pm. Came home with 10 caught in 57 feet of water. The water temp was 49-50. No pictures. All the perch were female. My son out caught me agai...
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By: Toni
Posted: 11/27/2020
Species: Squid
Rating: 5
Fished: 11/27/2020
Hot Spots: 0
Point Defiance 11-27-2020 Black Friday for my son and I was a trip to Point Defiance. But not the fishing pier. We brought the boat with us. This new launch was a first for us both.. I headed over ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 11/23/2020
Species: Squid
Rating: 3
Fished: 11/23/2020
Hot Spots: 0
Point Defiance 11-23-2020 Kim asked me if I was going squidding. I said I would. Then I drug John Knudsen away from his perch fishing to go. We got there about 11am. Later Kim came followed by her so...
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By: Toni
Posted: 11/16/2020
Species: Squid
Rating: 3
Fished: 11/16/2020
Hot Spots: 0
Point Defiance 11-16-20 It was a rainy, really wet Monday. I haven’t been fishing in a couple of weeks and the governor put restrictions on the state to start Tuesday 12am and Wednesday 12am. I thoug...
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By: Toni
Posted: 10/26/2020
Species: Squid
Rating: 3
Fished: 10/26/2020
Hot Spots: 0
2 day report Sunday the 25th we (family) went to the Point for a few hours of fishing between 12 and 2. It was cold and windy but sunny. Caught a few squid. On the 26th I met John Knudsen at th...
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By: Toni
Posted: 10/12/2020
Species: Squid
Rating: 3
Fished: 10/12/2020
Hot Spots: 0
Area 11 Les Davis 10-12-20 John and I arrived at noon and quit at 3. I got 6 he got 7. I think Kim arrived around 1-1:30pm. She had 1 by 3pm. Looking at the video it seems like there wasn’t a big sch...
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By: Toni
Posted: 10/7/2020
Species: Squid
Rating: 3
Fished: 10/5/2020
Hot Spots: 0
I met Kim on the dock about 3 and I stayed until 6. She caught 5 squid and I ended with 2. My nephew came about 5 with his friends. They stayed later, 8-8:30pm. Kim said she got around a dozen. Tides...
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By: Toni
Posted: 10/5/2020
Species: Perch
Rating: 4
Fished: 10/4/2020
Hot Spots: 1
First trip of the year to American Lake on this cloudy afternoon. We had a sighting of fishn2gthr4ever or for short, F24. They had found the perch so we anchored a little away from them. My son got on...
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By: Toni
Posted: 9/21/2020
Species: Squid
Rating: 3
Fished: 9/21/2020
Hot Spots: 0
Les Davis Pier I went to Les Davis today to meet up with my brother, sister-in-law, nephew, and then my son came. On the incoming tide I got a squid which made me happy. A month earlier than last y...
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By: Toni
Posted: 9/8/2020
Species: Crab
Rating: 2
Fished: 9/7/2020
Hot Spots: 0
Area 11 Des Moines 9-7-2020 Went out to Des Moines for the last day of crab. I met my son, brother, and sister-in-law there. From 7am-11am. We were under wind advisory. It came up around 8 died down ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 8/31/2020
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/30/2020
Hot Spots: 2
My son and I started fishing about 8am and finished around 11am. The water temperature was 68 degrees. It was a chilly morning but the sun was out to warm things up. We fished 8-26 feet on downrigger...
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By: Toni
Posted: 8/11/2020
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/9/2020
Hot Spots: 1
We started out around 7am but pulling out of my driveway there was a horrendous screech (bearings was the thought) that wasn’t there when I parked. So, I made a turnaround in a housing development and...
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By: Toni
Posted: 7/29/2020
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 7/29/2020
Hot Spots: 3
John Knudsen and I started fishing about 8:30am. It was sunny, calm, and quiet. The water went from 71 to 73 degrees. We quit between 11:30 and noon because of a boat and jet ski’s doing donuts. And i...
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By: Toni
Posted: 7/26/2020
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 7/26/2020
Hot Spots: 2
We got to the parking lot close to 8am and it was almost full. Lots of activity on the lake. With a few people fishing. It was already quite warm. Campground was full. The water temperature was 69 ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 7/13/2020
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 7/13/2020
Hot Spots: 2
Kim and I got there at 8:30am and fished until 1pm. The water was at 67 degrees. The lake was at 1,205.49 feet. Full pool is 1207. Air temperature was between 55-70 while we were there, it was sunny ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 7/12/2020
Species: Crab
Rating: 4
Fished: 7/12/2020
Hot Spots: 0
I started at Dash Point. I got a parking spot but there wasn’t one for my son so we went to Des Moines. Dock was packed and later someone told me the end was filled up by 5:30am. We took a space not...
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By: Toni
Posted: 7/4/2020
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 7/4/2020
Hot Spots: 2
The water level of the lake is still up. 1,206.24 feet of elevation (maximum of 1,207 ft). The water temperature at 66 degrees is down from last week. It was mostly cloudy with sunbreaks and about 11...
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By: Toni
Posted: 6/28/2020
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/27/2020
Hot Spots: 2
Alder Lake 6-27-2020 I got my last rod stacked in the downrigger clip at 9am and I stuck it out until about 12:30pm. It was mostly cloudy and at times very windy. I had to turn the electric motor...
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By: Toni
Posted: 6/21/2020
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/21/2020
Hot Spots: 1
The water temperature was 65 degrees and the air temp was about 60 but it was mostly cloudy with a drizzle that drenched. We fished from 8:30am to 12:30pm. The fish came from surface to 15 f...
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By: Toni
Posted: 6/18/2020
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 6/18/2020
Hot Spots: 3
Kim, her grandson Malakai, and I got on to Alder Lake about 9am. We said hello to John Knudsen as he was launching as well. It was sunny with hardly a breeze to ripple the water. The wind came up ab...
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