Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

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Marc Martyn
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Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Marc Martyn » Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:38 am

It was just a short few years ago French wines were being poured down the gutter and French Fries were taken off the menu in the cafeteria of the Capital Building in Washington, D.C.

Now our new tankers are going to be built by Airbus?!!!!#-o :thumbdown This is disgraceful!

They will never perform like the old KC135's or the B52's. 40+ years and still going.

I strongly urge you to write to your representatives in Congress and tell them what you think.
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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by A9 » Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:43 am

I saw that earlier today. Quite the hit to the Boeing Corporation....
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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Marc Martyn » Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:57 am

In my opinion, WWII would not have been won without the fine aircraft that Boeing turned out at an enormous rate in such a short time of period. It was the B-17 bombing raids on Hitler's industrial and military targets that made it possible for the allied troops to Liberate France and advance rapidly across Europe. How quickly the government forgets!!!!!

Now, the last time I heard the money exchange rate was that it took $1.50 U.S. to buy 1 Euro. Does that make any sense?!
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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Marc Martyn » Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:03 pm

Any Boeing employees want to chime in on this?

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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by zen leecher aka Bill W » Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:49 am

Sam Kafelafish wrote:I saw that earlier today. Quite the hit to the Boeing Corporation....
Quite a hit to Boeing.... hell, it's quite a hit to the U.S.A. While some people are "swayed" by the words "the plane will be made in the USA", profits from this are going to France.

Potentially this could be as bad as when the Russian US embassy was built by Russians. How the heck is someone going to certify the plane is free of bugs.

I think the reason the announcement was at 5PM eastern on Friday was to give the selection committe an extra 30 minute head start to get out of Dodge.
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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Gisteppo » Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:01 pm

Makes you realize just how goofy this Administration is for letting that contract go overseas, outsourcing for a couple bucks, when we are staring down the barrel of an economic slowdown and the potential for a recession.


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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Marc Martyn » Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:59 pm

My line of work is in the building industry. It is already here.

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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by cavdad45 » Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:11 pm

Things will get worse as we approach the election with major ecomomic uncertainty. After November.... God save America from herself.

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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by fishnislife » Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:04 pm

zen leecher aka Bill W wrote:
Sam Kafelafish wrote:I saw that earlier today. Quite the hit to the Boeing Corporation....
Quite a hit to Boeing.... hell, it's quite a hit to the U.S.A. While some people are "swayed" by the words "the plane will be made in the USA", profits from this are going to France.

Potentially this could be as bad as when the Russian US embassy was built by Russians. How the heck is someone going to certify the plane is free of bugs.

I think the reason the announcement was at 5PM eastern on Friday was to give the selection committe an extra 30 minute head start to get out of Dodge.
Well said. I still think somehow they need to rethink this whole situation. People are outraged about the whole thing and I know there is not going to a positive thing to come out of this. Someone needs to wise up. :thumbdown
I don't know the details or even if there is truth in it but I have heard that the company that got this contract is the one helping us in Iraq. Someone is getting some kickbacks from this.

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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Marc Martyn » Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:57 pm

I was on my way to work this morning and listened to NPR's "On Point" and they had a segment on Boeing. Norm Dicks, who was mad as hell about the deal was a guest along with a couple of others. It was a very informative and interesting program. Here is the link so if you missed it, you can hear it: ... a_main.asp

Senator Patty Murray spoke on the Hill today and had some very good things to say. She is outraged with this along with many others on Capital Hill, both republican and democrats. She has started a petition to denounce the Air Force's decision that you can sign on line. Please do.

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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by EastsideRedneck » Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:32 am

This pains me to say this, but... I actually agree with Patty Murray. Even worse, I can't believe John Mcain doesn't recognize the economic and symbolic importance of this contract to the United States.

What would State-run Airbus do next time France opposes a military strike, incursion, or even another war? Whatever happened to national pride or putting America first? What's next, contracting China to make the next class of submarines?

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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Marc Martyn » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:48 am

FDR and Ike are rolling over in their graves!!#-o

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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Bill G » Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:44 am

This may be the straw but do you think that the " B " doesn't own murry and Dicks? You really think the Air Force main objective is $$$$$$? You know it's getting the best aircraft availible to carry out the mission for the next 30 years.
I know some of you think that I'm a commy pinko' because I see this issue a little differently. If you don't know by now that we are in a world economy. I will bet a dusty donut that you are looking at a monitor made in another country.
I drink Mexican Beer, Scotch Whiskey, my seafood comes from asia, I drive a forean car, I work for a company that will sell it's products to anyone that can aford it.
I am as greatful as anyone to be an American. I did my hitch in the air force taking care of the B52s, KC 135s
C 141s and C5A. I had freinds that did not come home and the ones of us that were lucky were called baby killers and spit on in the airports.
So keep the politics out of the military and let them carry out the mission given to them right or wrong.
You guys should be pissed at the " B " for not building what the Air Force was looking for and at the best Price.
Do your own thinking don't let someone else tell you what to think.
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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by felts_jf » Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:32 am

I have proof the KC 135 tankers are still going strong. I was doing a inspection over there on the flightline while doing a engine change in Bagram. They should make a tanker model in the C-17, that would be huge and cool. More work for me!!!
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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by michaelunbewust » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:47 am

from what ive read in the alabama newspapers, they don't even have any of the infastructure in place yet. the contract was awarded on promises to build the infrastructure, and bring the jobs there. they could buffalo the ol' air force, and not build but a fraction of it there. and ol' mobile is belly-aching how seattle is whining. well mr. mayor in mobile, it is america whining, not just seattle. 2/3's of those jobs went overseas. 270 vendors, with a majority of them overseas, supplying parts. i for one do not believe this will happen. shoot, even ol' McCain is looking at bushy like he is crazy (the pentagon made the decision, but, we all know bushy was taking care of his buddies on this one). my hats off to all those people at boeing, who, have made aircraft that is safe for me to ride in for most of my life!!!!!!!

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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Gisteppo » Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:19 am

I find it interesting that the debate settles around the company or the dollars.

The part that tips me over is that the aircraft the military spec'd (this won't make much sense unless you have been in the bid process with a government agency) is EXACTLY reflected in the 767. Boeing worked the aircraft around the spec to give what they asked for. Airbus came in with literally a drawing, as the aircraft they proposed has never been built and exists only in engineering drawings. They cite the ability of the aircraft to carry more than the spec asked for as being the major factor.

Boeing's 777 can carry more than the Airbus non-existant aircraft, with greater range and considerably higher fuel economy, but that isn't what was asked for in the spec. This is akin to being upsold at the dealership, and is actually illegal in the bid process. Being that this is such a large dollar figure, it obviously has a great deal of bearing, but I find it ridiculous.

I sit on a committe similar to this for fire apparatus. I know how the governmental bid process works. A committe like ours would NEVER spec a rig that has never been built, never been tested, and can't be 100% guaranteed to function as nobody has physically flown the thing.


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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by EastsideRedneck » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:00 pm

Bill G- I think you are missing the point here on contracting a foreign interest to build the backbone of our air superiority. I, as well as many others weighing in on this, are veterans. Since when has the military not been the strong arm of policy or vice-versa? Why should the US and our Air Force foot the bill for European aerospace development and emerging technologies when we can do the same on our own soil; at least the dollars would find their way back into our own economy.

An American aircraft on the ground is better than a European Pipe dream on a coctail napkin for any price.

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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Marc Martyn » Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:50 am

Bill G wrote: I will bet a dusty donut that you are looking at a monitor made in another country.
........and the technology behind it was developed by three American born boys named Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.

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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by A9 » Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:18 am

EastsideRedneck wrote: What would State-run Airbus do next time France opposes a military strike, incursion, or even another war? Whatever happened to national pride or putting America first? What's next, contracting China to make the next class of submarines?
I understand the need for supporting your own countries goods, but chances are everything you are probably wearing isn't American made. I'm sure the computer you are typing on wasn't made in the US. I hope you aren't oblivious to the fact that much of what we use is made outside of our nations borders.

An interesting view
Last edited by Anonymous on Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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RE:Air Forces Out Sources Tankers!!! (NEW UPDATE)

Post by Marc Martyn » Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:44 am

I would be willing to bet that Kenny would change his tune if a Chinese broadcasting company bought KOMO-TV and they decided that they didn't need Ken Schram anymore and were bringing in a whole new staff for far less wages.
Last edited by Anonymous on Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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