Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Fish-N-Fool » Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:12 pm

One thing we have to remember is that any rules they make have to be simple to enforce and easy to understand and not have to guess at. So rules like bow hunting for the little ones would be impossible to enforce, how could you draw the line on whats little? No-one can tell the length of a fish out in the water, other then a rough guess. As for as 1 trophy fish a year? How could you enforce that? We only need to figure out a way to get the 55" fish I'm going to catch officially made a new state record. :) And with today's replica mounts there really is no reason to keep a trophy fish to mount, You just take good photos and measurements, and the best part they are far cheaper then a skin mount.
The only easy to enforce rules would be the first 3 of 4 fish you catch under 24" must be kept,
fish from 24" to 32" can be kept or turned loose, and all fish over 32" MUST be turned loose.
The larger fish are a health hazard anyway as they build up mercury over time so the older the fish the more mercury it has in it. That's why the young fish under 24" are the best eaters, for taste as well as being safer to eat.
With these rules in place we could have a truly amazing sport fishery for years and years to come.
Any and all of the reasons I have heard as to why the need to gill net just doesn't hold water.
The fish I think they need to control also is the Smallmouth Bass, they will force out the Largemouth in habitat they both use, This has happened to Hayden lake already and is happening to the P.O. as well. You used to be able to catch L.M. in all of the main lake on Hayden. Now you can only find Mr Greenie in the back water coves of the lake. The Smallies have overrun them everywhere else. I see this happening to the P.O. too. Now I like to catch them brown bass as well, but would hate to see the Largemouth overrun. like they have been in Hayden. My 2 cents worth!

If they want to control the numbers of Pike so we don't end up with just hammer handles that will never be achieved by killing the trophy fish, that would only make it worse.

If they want to keep them from declining other sport fish that are endangered, we all know that this is not true, as even their own studies show Pike are not eating Trout. Pike eat Perch, other small Panfish, Squawfish, and most likely a few Tench, Peemouth, and L.M. Bass. They did that study last year killing some 770 trophy fish to find out what they were eating, so there is no reason to do this same study again again.

If they are trying to keep Pike from reaching the Columbia, the body of water they should be concerned with is Long lakes Pike population. They are much closer to the Columbia then the P.O River pike are. I think the real solution to both problems it not to blame the fish, but build a system into the dams that will not allow fish to pass alive. That is most likely the only way to keep them out of the Columbia.

The economic gain that a trophy Pike fishery could bring to the P.O. County is huge, It could also be an economic boom to the tribe as well as they have a lot of slews on their side of the river that they could sell passes to get in and fish them on guided trips maybe. Guys would pay big bucks to fish virgin waters loaded with monster pike that other anglers can't fish.

So I still think that if the game dept. gets enough pressure from the public they will be forced to call off this witch hunt.
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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Mark K » Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:18 pm

Excellent point Lucius! The goal should be to decrease the population of smaller fish, and the warmer months of summer would be a great time to gill net the shallow water/backwaters (if this is the method they insist on) as the bigger trophy pike would be back deep in the main channel. And wouldn't this be better on the trout as well seeing as they would be searching for the cooler water also and could avoid the nets?

I still don't like the idea of netting at all, but if they do, targeting these big fish during spawn is the absolute worst thing they could do in my opinion. There have to be options other than that.

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by YJ Guide Service » Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:13 am

I think what were all forgetting is that Washington State doesnt want Pike and their plans dont involve makeing our fishery on the PO River a trophy fishery. They are only worried about protecting the other bodies of waters from the Pike and the other species in the river. They will not implament regulations on them as you have to keep the small ones since they cant enforce that. I have been told by more than one person from the state that this whole thing isnt about making this a better Pike fishery. Its all about the Cutthroat trout and Bull trout and other natives to the river and them getting into other bodies of water. What fish in the river are actually native to this area? Bass,perch,sunfish,crappie probley not. We can speculate all we want about what they should do or will do, but from what i have been told this whole thing is about reduceing numbers and finding the best way to reduce them to keep numbers in check. Their reports show the numbers need to be reduced by 55 % just to start to keep the numbers in check. The problem is the state doesnt have the money nor man power to do this and the Tribe only has 3 people to try and accomplish this. After talking to 4 diffrent people on this that are dirrectly involved in this i dont see them being able to do a large gill netting. Time will tell on that i guess. I am totally against them targeting the bigger fish and totally agree that a summer time gill netting to remove small fish would be the best thing if they have to gill net at all. I keep asking if the state agrees that they cant totally remove the fish at what point do you manage them to make it a profitable fishery for Pend Oreille County and the rest of us that depend on the river for our lively hoods. I think its time they embrace change and the change is these fish are here to stay so lets all get together and find the best way to keep numbers in check and the best regulations that can be enforced. I want to thank everyone on here for their comments and concerns about the PO River. We all need to come to the meeting on the 22nd and get all your friends to go to show we do support the fishery and we are all concerned about what is proposed. We all need to remember the Salmon and Trout fisheries run this state and Pike are not the fish of choice unfortuneately. We do need to keep contacting our local legislators to tell them we do not want the Pike listed as a evasive species or to be removed by gill netting them. I for one know by contacting these people they are listening to our concerns, and many of them are on our side because they to fish for the Pike on the river. Keep makeing the calls and signing the petitions to save the Pike....Lucius i will never give up the fight for the protection of the Pike on the river their in my blood and they are my livelyhood.....Craig
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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Fish-N-Fool » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:50 am

As far as being able to enforce a slot limit on Pike it wouldn't be any different then enforcing the current regs. on Largemouth Bass. All rules are subject to non-enforcement by the less then ethical angler. we can't put a game warden in every boat to enforce the rules. So it is up to us to see that whatever rules they set down for Pike are enforced just like all the other rules. If you don't agree with the rules on Pike either don't fish for them or legally try to change them. The fact that the state does not have the money or manpower to manage them is all the more reason to put in the slot limits I have outlined in my earlier post. I am very opposed to any gill netting no matter what time of year and where it's done , because it will still be catching and killing some of the fish we need to keep the most, specifically Largemouth bass. They are in the bays in summer and their numbers are in decline already so the last thing we need to do is kill any of what few L.M. we have left.
Since we all agree that the Pike are here to stay why not make the most of them? Pike coexist with Trout, Salmon and Bass in Idaho waters why should it be any different in the P.O. River? I would like to see bigger creel limits on fish under 12" to control the numbers of Smallmouth Bass also. The other thing we need to change is the mind set of 80% of the Bass fishermen these days is that it is not always best to turn loose every Bass you catch.

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Xwisconyfisherman » Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:14 pm

Fish-N-Fool we are the same side so i will make this short.
As far as putting a size limit and opening little pike up to bow fishing...being impossible to enforce I disagree....They use this method for spearing back in the Midwest and they also use this method for moose hunting all over the world (min 45 inch spread)
As far as the trophy tag for big fish being impossible to enforce I'm thinking this wouldn’t be any harder to enforce then a deer it is for the game department to make sure everyone only shoots one deer. A simple carcass tag would be the solution. However the only reason i brought this point up is that I think it would be an excellent revenue generator for the game department if they charged an extra couple bucks to buy one. It was meant to be a creative idea and nothing else.

Also Washington already has crazy complicated rules compared to the other 2 states I've lived in.

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by YJ Guide Service » Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:55 pm

I think you guys are assumeing that fish and wildlife wants to do these things and wants to regulate the Pike, which at this point they dont. As far as gillnets I also am against them but i have done some research and even back east thats the method for controlling Pike numbers as far as removeing numbers..
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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Lucius » Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:01 pm

Some of the research I have done states that if the water level can be controlled during the spawning times, that has proven to be the most effective way to consistently control pike populations. Now that can be tricky especially with spring rains and snow run off. Not to mention the cost implications of the dams having to release that kind of water to effectively lower the water enough to effect regular spawning grounds.

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by PDXFisher » Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:39 pm

Xwisconyfisherman wrote:They use this method for spearing back in the Midwest
I can't think of a single lake in Minnesota (the state I'm most familiar with) that allows spearing for pike that also has a fishable population of trophy fish. Unfortunately the big ones are the easiest ones to see, and hit. Spearing is considered the #1 danger to trophy pike fishing in Minnesota and the fights between spearers and non-spearers are legendary and ongoing. So I guess I just question the likelihood of spearing helping to clear out hammerhandles, I expect the opposite based on everywhere else I've seen it introduced. Though unless you're spearing in a darkhouse through the ice (as a spearer would do in Minnesota), I wonder if it would even be as productive as rod & reel?

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by kevinb » Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:22 pm

I'm all for some form a creating a "Trophy" northern pike fishery in the Pend Oreille River but its not clear as
to which manner that would be best achieved. Each body of water will have its own unique characteristics and present
its own challenges verses another body of water. It looks like the majority on this thread all want the same thing but theirs to much debate on which is the best way to achieve it. I have ideas on slot limits but I'm not interested in debating them and driving the original topic further off base. What needs to happen is a gathering of any and all interested parties
to voice their opinions/concerns about the current and future status of the pike fishery as a collective. I would strongly suggest appealing to the resort owners to also voice their thoughts and provide some information on revenue generated
by the pike angling community,this would also include local tackleshops,guides and maybe way in the distance,gas and restaurants etc. Depending on what they say or don't say could provide more legitimacy to support the pike anglers.
It would be important to attend the meeting hosted by the Mountain Muskies,even if you don't have an opinion,at least get informed on the fishery. In closing,I think its important to not put WDFW on trial. They work very hard for us and aren't carrying an evil agenda. These are the same folks that have brought us an amazing tiger musky fishery and I believe we owe them more "Thank you's" even if we have disagreements over proper management of northerns.
Just one man's opinion is all and best of luck

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by muskyhunter » Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:46 pm

Hey all,
I've been watching this forum for the last few days. All I can do is shake my head. Its gotten quite crazy to say the least. I am very suprised by some of the very negative comments to and about your WDFW and its biologists. All of these ladies and gents have been educated and spent many years learning and dealing with these certain issues. And some guy/girl new to the fishery on the POR ranting about how screwed up or how the WDFW or their bio's is for lack of better terms is... really messed up! Some of us/you have only fished it once or twice at the most. I do not think that makes you a specialist of this particular river system or the species in it.
I remember about a year ago there was a study done and all of the biologists were very interactive with this issue with the Northerns.And my impression was that all was all good. The Northern Pike as I call them.. or Northerns or Northern Pike or just plain pike, whatever. I am from Wisconsin born and raised. So I call them Northerns. A bunch of you all in this forum are from various parts of the country. I am a transplant if you will.. but have now lived here longer than I have in ol' Wiscony. (25 years) And as all of you/us transplants can see the fishing and fishery is way different here than back home. I have my own opinion on pike. And stated it before in a forum. But I support the
The WDFW has a opinion on these fish and fishery too. They have reached out to all of us to explain themselves to the why's and how's of their position. I would expect all of you. All from different parts of the country to just have an open mind and just respect their desicion. You do not have to like it, just deal with it. Pretty simple I think. It'll work out with some compromise I am sure.
A few from the area have grown to love the Northern fishery. I respect and expect those people that have the knowledge and use it in a proactive way, is way better than coming after the WDFW with guns-a-blazin. Its unfair and unjust. I would also EXPECT all of you to respect the opinions of others. And that includes those friends from the WDFW. Yes I said friends...I have read some pretty obnoxious postings from a few that even go as far as calling out a couple of the bio's by name. If any of you, any of you have learned to get to know these few folks who are actually on your side of the fence (Tiger Musky guys/girls) The last thing I think you want to do is have you and or your different clubs alienate yourselves from these WDFW friends. Keep up the smack talk in a open forum. See if they will take you guys/girls seriously...really. One of the guys I am very good friends with and it disturbed me very much to see his name dragged through the mud like it was.
Hey Wiscony, Natebg and PDX from Minnesota..wont hold that against you.You're all right being a you netted a big toad for me a couple years ago.....u guys from as as far as the "spearfishing" back there. The only folks back home that were allowed to do that are the Native Indians. Several clubs back there are trying to put a slow down on that exercise. My experiences back there have seen Northerns, Walleyes and even some huge Muskies speared during their spawning periods. My dad just got a spear fishing tag for sturgeon on Lake Puckaway. 5 week season this year. Didnt get one this year. Last year a 5 ft male. Oh..someone mentioned "pike beds" may want to check an encyclopedia or an online one just to check those facts. Northerns dont use "beds" they have "spawning areas" where both Northerns and Muskies spawn up and around the weeds, rice pad or reed areas. Or even in deeper water too. More like a spreading of the eggs which are kinda like a jelly after they get spooged by the males the eggs then kling to whatever they can. Next thing you know your going to hear people fishing Northerns off their beds..geesh.
With that I will end this rant. I hope that now you guys fishing the pike tourney catch some toads and have a grand old time. And when you guys have your meeting with the representative you all can tell them hecka good Northern Pike stories about the big one that got away.
See ya on the water sometime. No hard feelings. Just another passionate Musky fisherman trying to help educate and promote a healthy pike/musky/walleye/bass and crappie fishery in this Great State of Washington. And please stop thrashing the guys and girls at the WDFW. They are on your side ...really! Todd Reis
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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Gone Fishin » Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:19 am

musky hunter has a pretty good point...

I know the WDFW and Kalispel biologists that have been working on this. They have done a lot more research and put a lot more time into this than myself or anybody in this forum. They are also very well aware of the success of some fisheries managed as trophy pike fisheries. There haven't been regulations on the pike for years now because they have been studying the river and the fish before they put anything in place. They want to make sure they get it right the first time. The job they have here isnt an easy one and they aren't going to be able to please everybody. There are so many opinions out there about how it should be managed and I'm sure politics and money will have their say too. I think that everybody should take a step back from this "reliable" article and wait to hear what the biologists themselves have to say about this. So show up on March 22nd and get it straight from their mouthes.

I love to see how passionate everybody in the forum is about this topic, because I myself feel very strongly about this as well. The problem is there are a lot more people out there that don't feel the same way about the northerns as we do. Most of this is based on ignorance about the species and horror stories about improperly managed fisheries. We have to understand that northerns have earned them selves a pretty bad reputaion. I hope for the best to come of this and I think we have to trust the guys getting paid to make these decisions. This is what their job is. I know there have been mistakes in the past by WDFW and we still hold it against them, but many of those mistakes were based on pressure by one group or another and the proper research wasn't done.

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Anglinarcher » Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:21 am

OK, I want to chime in on this one.

I am also a transplant to Washington. I have lived and fished in so many states that I often wonder where my jersey would be hung if I died and someone actually thought about retiring my number. :-"

Asking the tribe, or the state, to "manage" pike would be similar to asking the State of Florida to manage Steelhead. I don't care how much they were taught in school, they simply don't have the experience or temperament to do it right. Worse yet, Washington has too much arrogance, and too small of a working budget, to actually utilize truly experienced and competent experts from other states. I understand that several people on this site have worked with the F&W, and that they believe in them, but in my less then humble opinion, you are being mislead, sometimes intentionally, sometimes by the States own ignorance.

Still, having lived and fished in Minnesota, Montana, and Colorado, where I have caught may great Northerns, I have also seen the hammer handle problems. There is a cycle that takes place with the introduction of a new species. First, with very small initial numbers, spawning is only marginally successful. As the numbers increase, the population explodes. With few natural enemies, the population starts of with many very large fish, progressing to a few lunkers and lots of very small fish. Over time, the overpopulation of small fish tends to limit food, create competition, and the existing lunkers start to take their toll. Eventually, you get a reduced number of overall fish, with a more balanced size distribution.

Unfortunately, this can take 20 or more years in nature. Our goal is to try to reduce the time necessary to complete this cycle, and to limit the impact on other desirable species.

Personally, I have seen some very good ideas presented, each of which apparently the State has no interest in hearing. So, if public comments are review are not welcome, just how much do you respect and trust "your state paid experts"?

The trout in POR will never be fantastic again, just too high of water temperatures. That will not change! The trout could be better, if the abundance of sunfish, perch, and other rough fish were reduced, but doing so is not possible with chemicals. They simply can't compete for the food as well. You can decrease the competition by increasing predators, LIKE PIKE, TIGER MUSKIE, AND BASS, but it seems that this is just opposite of the desires of the "experts" we pay our hard earned tax money to. Of course, removing the massive beaver dams preventing upstream spawning migrations would help, but just see how far a proposal to kill of beavers will get you.

I feel for everyone involved. I just don't see an easy fix on this one. I would hope that the WDF&W would monitor this site so they would know what we are thinking, but I don't think they want to know.

What do we have to do, grab picket signs and protest in mass in front of the regional office? As stated before, papers and media outlets need to sell things. Perhaps this would get their attention.

I propose the following signs:

Hell no, the pike won't go!
Can you hear us now?
***&*&! -Self edited because even I know I can't say that on this site, but I could get away with it at the protest.:dwarf:
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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by YJ Guide Service » Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:50 am

I know for a fact WDFW does monitor this site and they are taking notes on whats said. I have been approached from them on comments that were said. So keep speaking your minds they are watching and reading. Just make sure everyone comes to the meeting on Tuesday night so you can all get the real story of what WDFW plans are for the river.
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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Xwisconyfisherman » Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:47 pm

"so as far as the "spear fishing" back there. The only folks back home that were allowed to do that are the Native Indians"
Except for non tribe members can spear and bow fish "rough fish" I was also suggesting this idea come with a size restrictions if you read my previous rants in this thread.

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by sparky1doug » Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:53 pm

Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful right to have. I never cease to be amazed at the depth a fisherman will study his prey. While no one of us has it all figured out, together there are some great suggestions and solutions. I wonder if in this economic climate that our state legislators feel this is a good way to spend what little funding WDFW has. Salmon and steelhead are on the decline in many places. Do the salmon and steelhead clubs want our precious resources spent like this, trying to gill net Pike? How many more salmon could be reared for what will be spent on the POR? WDFW must know the "Bull Trout" don't survive well in the river since the dams went many years ago. They can't change the fact the habitat is very poorly suited for their existence. The 'Westslope Cutthroat" live the majority of their lives in or near the streams, the river is too warm for them six months of the year. If you want them to do better restore their spawning and rearing streams. As was stated in a 1988 study of habitat enhancement for the Box Canyon drainage. The Pend Oreille River is a warm water fishery, it hasn't been a cold water for 50 years. Something not being discussed is the introduction of the Smallmouth Bass, where did they come from? Are they responsible for the decline of Largemouth Bass? I think we already know the answer to that, history is a good teacher. On the issue of bucket biology, I'm strongly against it! I've watched the Kitsap Peninsula transform from a trout fishery to a growing bass one. Where were you WDFW when that happened? You tried to stop them but the bucket biologists won that battle. I realize the rivers Pike population may need some "thinning of the herd" and if gill netting is the (only) answer then so be it. However, please recognize our passion for Pike and our willingness to fight for what we believe in. Many of us donate time and effort to assist WDFW and work for better fisheries. So if your watching these posts (WDFW) please listen to the people whom ultimately pay the bills and spend our money wisely!
Last edited by Anonymous on Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Mark K » Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:52 pm

Great post Doug! I absolutely agree. I'm sure there would be plenty of people available to volunteer their time, me included, to help "thin the herd" if it was done the right way. Again, these fish are here to stay so we just need to make the best of it. I'm looking forward to hearing what WDFW and the Tribe have to say about this. I'd love to know why spring is the time to do this, and why nets are the only way to do it.

Again, when we were talking slot limits last year with WDFW at our meeting they said there needs to be a reason to protect that slot. The "reason" was these bigger fish HELP with population control. I know we are no longer talking slot limits at the moment but if these bigger fish are taken out in the spring we are taking a step backwards imo.

We will just have to wait and see what they say, but like Doug said "please recognize our passion for Pike and our willingness to fight for what we believe in". I don't know how long this has all been discussed, or what their long term plan is but this all came up so quick that I just hope were not doing this on a whim and the result of this isn't negative effects in the future.

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Natebg1 » Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:22 pm


I am so glad you brought up the point about "Freedom of Speech", this really is such a valuable part of being an AMERICAN today! Looking at what is going on in the world all around us, especially in a country like Libya right now I am so PROUD to have the Right to stand up for what I believe in and not be persecuted or told what to say and when to say it. I guess this is why I also appreciate the peace and simplicity of being out on a Lake or River, enjoying good comradery with other passionate anglers, which I am sure anyone who fishes can agree on. There just really is nothing like it and how disappointing is it to know how great of an opportunity the Pend Oreille River currently has, but could be gone in a matter of no time, simply because of a group who doesn't want to see this River for what it could be. Being that I am not from Washington and am more of an outsider from the Mid-West I can certainly respect the Trout and Salmon fishery and would never want to see this compromised. I know from reading thru the majority of the posts on Washington Lakes their are a few anglers that were born and raised here who know a whole lot more about the Salmon and Trout than I do and I in no way will ever try to claim to be an expert on this. These same people however seem to REALLY enjoy the Pike Fishing! So, I will be more than willing to continue to add my experience and knowledge into the conversation about Pike and Muskie any day of the week, especially considering how passionate I am on both fish!!! I agree that their should be something in place to control the population and as I have said in my previous posts, it comes back around to doing the proper RESEARCH and contacting the appropriate people who know a whole lot more about Pike population control. I am sure the WDFW could take a real lesson from Fish & Wildlife offices in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, South Dakota and many others with how to help this Pike invasion, but if they are not willing to take the time to reach out to these different groups then I guess what Anglinarcher is saying may not be too far from the truth! I honestly hope for all Anglers alike that Anglinarcher is wrong, but it is very hard to dispute the facts and I would say the numbers speak for themself. I can say that growing up in the Mid-West we were very fortunate to have what I consider to be the VERY BEST Fish and Wildlife Biologists and teams in the Nation and over time I have made some great friends from these Teams. In saying this, I have also made contact with some of these friends who are and have been a part of these Teams both in Minnesota and Wisconsin and let's just say they are STUNNED to see how things are being conducted with this situation. They understand that their is a job to do and they respect the position that the WDFW is in, they don't however understand why the WDFW doesn't first sit down with Fellow passionate anglers and LISTEN to what they have to say and maybe try to come up with other options, solutions, and ideas before just moving forward without fully understanding the impact that could be had on the Pend Oreille River. In Minnesota the Office of Fish and Wildlife puts on a yearly roundtable type meeting with anyone who is concerned or passionate about a particular subject in regards to Hunting and Fishing and they take all things said into account before moving forward on any project or idea. Now that is what I would say is the right way to conduct business and ensure that every angler has a voice and gets a chance to feel as if they are being heard. Obviously they can't fix every problem or create a solution, but they at least have the DECENCY and RESPECT to take into consideration what the Anglers want rather than just what the Fish and Wildlife wants or feels is the right thing to do. I guess you could also say that it is No Big Shocker as to why the Fishing in Minnesota is so GREAT!!! I also know that people come from all around the world just for a shot at some of the monsters to be had in the Rivers and Lakes in Minnesota, I am sure Washington State would love to have that type of economic diversity. I understand Salmon and Trout are big here, but just think how much BIGGER it would be to also advertise HUGE PIKE and TIGER MUSKIE in Washington!!! You can't tell me that people wouldn't come from all over to see this, just like in the Movie "Field of Dreams" "If you build it they will come" I can hear it now!!! We all know how important and crucial Diversity is in any walk of life and it is no different in Fishing, so my advice would be to find a way to make this Pike thing work and I am sure that there are plenty of people within this State that would be more than willing to HELP!!! This is why I am so glad to have 2 Great Chapters within Muskie's Inc in this State that both have the passion for Tiger Muskie's and Pike as well as other fish and realize that one fish isn't any more important than the other and that there is a balance between all of them!!! I too am very interested in what the WDFW and the Tribe have to say with this whole thing and hope that there is a lot more that comes out on this situation than what we are all currently hearing. It is great, whether people agree or disagree with what is being said on here to see Anglers coming together as a whole and standing tall for what they believe in and not allowing others to dictate to them what to say and when to say it, this is what "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" is all about and I am proud to defend this right each and every day!!! Everyone of YOU makes it my HONOR to serve this Great Nation and the Greatest People in the world so that each of YOU can speak up and have a voice and continue to carry on a legacy. It is the greatest thing to wake up every day knowing that the opportunity exists to have a chance to enjoy the Great Outdoors out on the Lakes and Rivers Nationwide, I just hope that my children can continue to enjoy the same things and not have to deal with the repercussions of poor decisions and judgement's on behalf of Fish and Wildlife groups thru out the nation, especially in areas where the chance for Monster Fish exists. As Doug said and Mark agreed with ""please recognize our passion for Pike and our willingness to fight for what we believe in".


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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Mike Carey » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:13 am

wow, the amount of passion being voiced on this thread is something else. Just a couple comments from an "Admin" perspective.

Please we refrain from condeeming a whole group of workers (WDFW) on this site. It's unfair to the many hard working biologists at WDFW. I'm sorry, I don't fall into a conspiracy camp on this subject.

We are fortunate to have Stacey and a growing list of WDFW biologist checking in on and providing information. Bashing them is no different than bashing other members that visit this site, and is a violation of the terms of use of the site. Please consider what you say and how you say it. Expressing an opinion is fine, being disrespectful and insulting is not. There are other web sites that are open to that but this is not one of them.

I would ask that the members that live over in Eastern Washington go to the meeting on Tuesday and ask the questions you need to ask, voice your opinions, and let us know how it goes. Thanks.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Fish-N-Fool » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:10 pm

I was out Pike fishing on the river today , (3 bites landed 1 fish, back to the details.) Anyway I ran into a couple guys at the boat ramp after we were done fishing that said they know for a fact that the tribe stocked the pike in the river about 10 years ago to get rid of the squawfish. Now this is just hearsay as far as I'm concerned, but I wonder if it is true. I do know for a fact that the did not come from Idaho as if their are ANY in the P.O. above the dam they are few and far between.
I have been fishing in that river and lake for about 16 years now and I have
never caught one, so somebody put the pike in the river below the dam. I won't say it was the tribe but these guys seamed 100% sure. All I can say if it was the tribe that did it. THANK-X :)
Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mark K
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RE:Pend Oreille River Gill netting and article from the Newport Miner please read

Post by Mark K » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:52 pm

Fish-N-Fool wrote:I was out Pike fishing on the river today , (3 bites landed 1 fish, back to the details.) Anyway I ran into a couple guys at the boat ramp after we were done fishing that said they know for a fact that the tribe stocked the pike in the river about 10 years ago to get rid of the squawfish. Now this is just hearsay as far as I'm concerned, but I wonder if it is true. I do know for a fact that the did not come from Idaho as if their are ANY in the P.O. above the dam they are few and far between.
I have been fishing in that river and lake for about 16 years now and I have
never caught one, so somebody put the pike in the river below the dam. I won't say it was the tribe but these guys seamed 100% sure. All I can say if it was the tribe that did it. THANK-X :)
No way!!!! They were not planted by the tribe. There are old reports you can find online where it was suggested in the past but it never happened. They came from Idaho. Just like the fish in Long Lake came from Lake Coeur D' alene. I've never heard of one caught in the Spokane River but they had to travel through there at some point. Box Canyon just has that "niche" that they needed to thrive and become a fishable population.
Last edited by Anonymous on Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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