11/3/2015 3:50:00 PMNow run over to smaller lakes like Goodwin, Stevens and the like and watch the line of boats waiting to catch the illusive bedded bass, but don't worry, after every time they're caught they swim right back to their beds, again and again and again etc.....that is unless they are caught by someone that likes to harvest OR toted around in a livewell while the fisherman tries to catch another one for the all important double bass photo op! Bed fishing should be a last resort for the "professional" tournament angler that's trying to earn money to feed his family, at least until tournaments finally ban it. All the droves of weekend warriors do is stress the hell out of the fish and potentially let their nests be raided by perch and sunfish. However, since the droves are still going to do it at least use heavy line so they don't sit there with your stupid bait and three+ feet of 6-8lb test dangling out of their mouths!! Here's a part two idea for you...jump on my boat and I'll show you how to catch 90% of the bedded fish in any lake with 50lb braid and a fat rubber band!
As impressive as hunting at the zoo. :(
As impressive as hunting at the zoo. :(

2/12/2020 10:45:16 AMbed fishing is the pinnacle of bass fishing i only go during the spawn, hitting the same bass day after day and bed fish as many lakes as i can just love it. everyone needs to try this. i take vaction time for two months in the summer just to bed fish for bass. I know its crazy but you can catch some of these over and over and have won tournaments in the past off catching the same fish two days in a row and over and over just love it...