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Banks Lake Report
Grant County, WA



I just got back and only landed six fish, one was four pounds, two more were 2 pounds, and the last two were about a half-pound. The last two were caught off the dock at the boat launch. The other 3 were caught on a rocky flat, by goose island, along with a walleye, that I caught on a plastic leech that we were using for bass. The walleye weighed in at about eight pounds it was a really nice fish. The bass are spawning right now and it is hard to get them to bite if you aren't using the correct lure which is a plastic leech with two splitshot about 18 in. up the line. If you texas rig them they will snag. I talked to a local and there are no more perch left in the lake due to extremely low water where they spawn at. We fished all day Saturday and fished for about a half hour on Sunday, due to high winds, we got blown off the water. Also there was a bass tournament going on. Fishing is very slow right now.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709