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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 12 Hood Canal Report



Coho Salmon

Walked the river trail down to check out the coho action on the Skokomish river out at the mouth in preparation for the OCT 1st opener of the lower river fresh water.

You can fish the saltwater now, which I did and got a nice coho on a pink rotator jig. But the fresh water is closed.

On OCT 1st the fresh water of the river is open all the way up to the power lines just north of where everyone parks along the side of the road near the 3 story unfinished beach house thing. There are a bunch of deep holes where you can float eggs when coho hold up in there at low tide. I found at least 4 big holes I can drift.

I think anything less than a 4 foot tide starts opening up holes to fish.

It's worth going down to get 4 coho limit. Sometimes they can get really big over 10 lbs! They can be extremely thick when running hard in October.

If you're wondering why my name changed to Nook2387h_v2, I lost my account login due to stupid move on my end and had to make new account. Being old I'm still figuring out these computer things.


Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709