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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report



Coho Salmon
Herring Strips
All Day

What a fun weekend of fishing with this year’s Scuttlebutt contest drawing winners! This year due to a “glitch” I got to take out a winner both Saturday (Dave) and Sunday (Kao).

Saturday was one of those amazing fall days – upper seventies, calm winds and flat water. As we departed the Edmonds Marina and surveyed the multitude of boats fishing the derby I decided to take my friend rseas’s advice and make the 13 mile run to Double Bluff. It was quick and easy and soon enough we had gear down. The fishing was tough despite what seemed to be a perfect high tide at 9:30am. Dave did get a beauty of a coho, I’d guess 10-11 pounds. We had a couple other take-downs but that was it. We ended the day at Scuttlebutt Restaurant in Everett for a delicious meal and beer tasting.

Sunday the weather was the opposite – cool, windy (small craft advisory) and hardly anyone braving the conditions. I told the group “we’ll give it a try but if it starting getting too rough we’ll come in”.

We pushed into the wind and waves heading south from Edmonds down to Richmond Beach with not a bite. I turned the boat heading north, with a high tide forecast of 10:30 the magic started happening at tide change. The first fish came in, and then the floodgates opened up. It was tough with a rocking boat but we managed to catch four nice coho and lost six (ouch). Hot action just north of the oil docks, we ran circles and called it a day at 1pm as Ryan Hembree of Skiprock Distilling brought in the last fish on the last pass.

All in all a fun contrast of the two days, each fun for its own reasons. Thanks to everyone that entered the Scuttlebutt drawing. We look forward to doing it again next year!


9/30/2021 7:54:34 AM
very nice report!
9/30/2021 2:51:39 PM
Good fish, hope to have another drawing next year hope for a good salmon run in 2022.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709