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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Cavanaugh Lake Report
Skagit County, WA



61° - 65°
All Day
71° - 75°

After reading the reports regarding this lake, I decided it was time I get up there. Last time I went fishing there was at least 50 years ago. MY HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED SINCE! Way different than what I remember and remembering is an issue.
Back then there were no downriggers, high tech electronics, all the lure choices, etc. I remember it was a still- fishin show using chum, and baiting with periwinkles and a Pautzke Fireball. Similar to Lake Stevens. Any old timers remember that?
Anyway got on the lake about 8. Only one other boat out fishin. He seemed to have it dialed in, as I watched him work the same area consistently and saw his net out rather often. Glad for that.
I tried a variety of blades and baits and colors. Blades were Double D's, Sling blades, Kokabow and Dick Nites. Baits ranged from spinners, squids, and nuts in different colors. Corn color and scents varied too. Nothing stood out as the clear winner, but the darker stuff seemed a little better than the lighter or pink stuff. Used the old adage, "dark on dark days, light on lighter days". I don't have all the varieties of stuff I've seen on the reports. Especially the things I've seen on Rseas reports. I'm just your average fisherman. Better than some, worse than others.
Saw a lot of marks on the screen in various areas. Most seemed to be in the 30-45 foot range. Drug my crap thru it all and had sporadic success, with even a double at one point. Kept the 3 shown (2 silvers and a bow), lost another 3-4, a few drive by's, and released about 3-4 real small ones successfully.
All in all a good day. Weather went from calm and dry to a little breeze and sitting in a cloud. Although it's a 2 hour drive from Maltby, I'll be back in the future. Anybody fish it in the winter months?


8/22/2021 5:20:38 PM
Thank You for your report, most helping. You had a successful trip. I will try the lake at least one more go, before winter sets in. Last time I had got nothing, that’s a first for me at the lake. But got a late start that day.
8/22/2021 5:20:41 PM
8/24/2021 6:09:54 AM
Congratulations, Cavanaugh is a great little lake. It fishes well in the winter but after October or so transitions to mostly cutthroat with a suprise fish every now and then.
8/24/2021 8:07:03 AM
Thanks RSEAS. Your reports are always well written and informative. I assume the Koke fishing drops off after the spawn in the Fall?? It looks like the WDFW doesn't do a huge plant, so would some be naturally reproducing? Not sure of the feeder streams there. And when you mention Carp Spit, is it Pro Cure?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709