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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Kokanee Lake Report
Mason County, WA


Rainbow Trout
All Day

Hey All, fished one of my favorite lakes on a beautiful day! Fished with my buddy Dave. Trolled up the lake to the island with nothing happening but gorgeous scenery. Eagles flying around, probably catching more fish that I did all day! Ha! Parked on the island and fished a weight with a corky float, hard to keep it where I wanted it with the water flow. Tried some razor clam neck tips with a worm and that seemed to work pretty well! Got one right away, but it got off before I could beach it. Ended up with only two from here, poor Dave had no luck. Trolled back and got my third on a special black fly. Finally hooked up my first fish on a God's Tooth frog pattern behind a Ford fender. Small 7, 8", gave him some slack and he got right off. So at the island, I hooked a sucker fish. Looked it up and found it to be a white fish. Do any of you eat them? I thought they were trash fish. What say you?


10/26/2020 11:57:35 AM
Love fishing this lake with the kids every year! There are some great areas on the lake that produce nice sized rainbows and the random kokanee. White fish I've always caught between the waterfall and the island your speaking of. There's also a ton of small sculpins. I've never tried to eat whitefish myself. Apparently they are very bony and the ones I've caught have been small. They also have a bad rap because they love eating fish eggs.
10/27/2020 6:05:27 PM
This was a fair sized one, I guess, about 12". Sounds like they are pretty good, especially smoked! I've had the best luck in the fiords or off the island. Likely keep any others I catch!
10/27/2020 11:38:07 PM
Right on! That's about as big as I've caught. Worth a spot on the smoker it sounds like! Let us know how it turns out! See you on the water and tight lines!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709