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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report


61° - 65°
Mostly Sunny

Decided to go down to Shilshole. My buddy had gone out last week and done well. Figured the fishing could only get better. Well I figured wrong. Skunked. Was a beautiful sunrise though. Water was pretty nice. Wasn't quite the combat fishing I'd expect if the fishing was that good. Fished by the green can with the rest of the boats. Only saw one person reach for their net. We got several shakers that we returned still wiggling to the water. Saw two nice bait balls, but nothing biting around them for sure. Lots of others people saw the bait balls also. Give it another week or two I guess. When I got in the checker had only checked three fish. Two kings and a silver. She said it was slow the day before also. She said she checked four silvers and not a king the day before. Man, haven't been to Seattle since last season. What an armpit of a town. Can't believe the way citizens have let that city go. They should talk to the elected officials. They have to listen if you are loud. Sorry, just hate to see the place turn into the pit it has.


8/31/2020 9:00:01 AM
Yeah we didnt do so hot either. One very nice wild Coho in MA9 (c&r). Think the main run is just passing thru Sekui. Another week or two. Yeah "Emerald City" aint so emerald anymore but apparently thats the way they like it.
8/31/2020 4:03:23 PM
Yeah, may be green, but more of a mold/mildew green with rank bile overtones.
8/31/2020 9:15:00 AM
Looked at creel count reports. Curiously enough your fish checker comments dont jive with creel count numbers. WDFW say 101 Coho and 8 Chinook checked at Shilshole on the 29th. Makes you wonder eh?
8/31/2020 4:00:41 PM
Makes you wonder. Maybe it's new math?
8/31/2020 7:19:30 PM
The coho bite was good for several days after the rain last week
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709