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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



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Had a chance to break in a couple's new boat to walleye fishing. Couple of good friends just got a new used fishing boat, 16ft aluminuaweld with 25hp merc 4 stroke and minn kota ipilot 50lb thrust remote control bow mount, " Boy Howdy" that remote was the cat's meow, it made fishing so easy and fun and was able to control boat with the push of a button, can't wait to get that kind of setup for sure. Started trolling bottom walkers and smiley blades and slow death hooks baited with nightcrawlers at Lebaugh landing, no takers, moved up river to buoy 3, first takers were 16 and 19 inches, caught two more, then nothing, moved up river to buoy 5, started catching fish right away, first fish was 19 inches and then the rest of the walleyes were 16-17 inches, also caught alot of dinks that were released to get bigger. After that headed back down to Blue creek for the late afternoon bite, arrived at 6 pm at Blue creek started trolling in 25 feet of water, "Bam" fish on, fished another 1 1/2hrs caught several more gators then called it quits when the bow mount ran out of juice, Now that's a good day of fishin when you run the battery out of juice. Joe learned alot about walleye fishing and his wife Cheri, was the walleye catcher for the day, had a great day,can't wait to get after them gators again. As always "Tight Lines and Keep Reelin "


6/8/2020 8:31:40 PM
Sound like a great day, way to go.
I put a bow mount trolling motor on the Red Runner last year and yea it's a real game changer.
6/8/2020 10:54:05 PM
Fished those same areas week ago last Thursday. Caught almost nothing. Dont claim to know how though. Have a remote control bow mount but had trouble maintaining direction down stream without going too fast. What speed are you trolling? Up stream or down stream make a difference?
6/9/2020 6:55:47 AM
Glad to see you were able to put some friends on fish.
6/9/2020 7:37:24 AM
Hey BONANZAMEL, trolling speed always varies because of the wind, when trolling down stream or up stream I make sure my line gets down to the bottom cause that's where the walleyes are , if your bottom walkers are not ticking along the bottom don't plan on catching any gators. When trolling down stream you will naturally go slower, speed ranged from 4 to 5 1/2, make sure what ever you are using, smiley blade or spinner blade is working first by putting in water besides the boat. When trolling up stream you will have to speed it up just a little 6 to 7, again when trolling up stream you want to make sure you are making head way slowly along the shore, it helps me if I watch the shoreline and also the angle of my line in the water when trolling up stream, remember you are going against the current so if you are going to fast your line will be sticking straight back behind your boat "Not good", going to fast. When trolling for walleye I have learned slower is better, and boat control is a big part if you want to be successful in catching those gators. Hope this helps, good luck to you next time out, hope you catch a bunch!! As always Tight Lines and Keep Reelin!!
6/9/2020 10:27:05 PM
Nice mess of fish.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709