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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



Drift Fishing
Chum Salmon

Hit up the river this morning about an hour after sunrise. It was slow, no signs of fish except all the dead and dying humpies floating down from upriver. Bottom bounced skein with a little piece of wool today. Tried a few different cures this morning and none of them seemed to work on their own. I experimented a little bit with a few different additives in varying amounts. I found one extra extra hot concoction that finally elicited a response. Caught a small jack and two 50.8cm borderline adult buck and doe. Finished off my limit with a 55.88cm blushed up doe with mature skeins.


10/13/2019 5:32:37 PM
Nice report! Hot cures seems to get the job done on the Green. I bring along a bag full of extra goodies to get them to bite too...
10/13/2019 6:56:20 PM
Losaturn, you were saying in another recent post you have been below 167 mostly. Would you mind telling how low you have been recently. I had been down around 405 but this weekend I didn't see many jumping or rolling and only got one. I stopped by on my way home from work to just look and not fish. Only one guy down in that area said he had one hit. But also said two guys had just left with 3 each. So many there are still some down that low. Just wondering what you have been noticing if you have been that low recently. Thanks
10/14/2019 2:47:51 AM
I haven't seen any rollers or jumpers in weeks on the lower river. I've talked to the fish checker and he told me that he wasn't seeing many fish caught on the lower river at all. He acknowledged that the angler effort has dropped off considerably. He said most of the silvers he's been seeing have been caught up top in the Auburn and Kent areas. I've seen sealice covered fish being caught in the lower Kent area leading me to suspect that the fish aren't milling around in the lower sections and are instead shooting upriver.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709