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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report



Coho Salmon
Mostly Sunny
All Day
56° - 60°

10th st ramp in Everett at 6am, but my fishing partner for the day was running an hour late so it was light by the time we set out. Must have been 20 seals on the docks.
Went to possesion first but it just did not look fishy so we headed towards the bay just north of edmonds (browns?) The whales beat us to that area so we headed for the oil docks just south of edmonds.
Rods in the water by 7.45.
Fish on at 7.47, turned out to be a 5lb native on a green Ace fly with garlic tuna smelly on it at 55 ft.
Good number of boats out but did not see a lot of activity.
About two hours later the other rod fishing a spoon went off. At first I thought it was weed or jelly fish on the line. Came in like ten lbs of wet rag. Netted an 8-9 lb blackmouth so let him go.
Fishing was slow, a few shakers, tried the areas we looked at earler in the day finally called it at 3pm.
We actually got chased off of possesion by sealions.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709