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Green River Report
King County, WA



61° - 65°
Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs

Fished the Green this morning with bobber and eggs just before sunrise until about 1230. Went to the same spot where I caught a limit last week (below 212th St. in Kent).

Had a couple of drive by's or should I say fly by's :) A couple light bites on the eggs and that's about it. No bobber downs. A couple times I noticed the fish checking out my eggs as they kept rolling and jumping near the bait.

On one occasion...

I was just about towards the end of the drift with the bobber about 8 feet off the bank in maybe 4 feet of water, right next to a weed line...All of a sudden a bigger Coho or Chinook, not sure which jumped about a foot out of the water almost right over the top of my bait. The entire fish came out of the water as he/she jumped from the middle of the river towards the bank. Crazy damn fish! Was a heck of a lot of fun seeing that. I gave it 15 sec., reeled in fast and cast back out hoping to hook him...No such luck.
Not sure why they didn't want eggs but I gave it a good effort.

I tried 2 different kinds of eggs...home cured and store bought. Neither would draw a solid bite. Even tried some more Sodium Sulfite on the eggs, nothing. Anise/Krill Oil, Garlic Bloody Tuna, Shrimp Sauce...Nothing...

So, after giving eggs a good effort for a couple hours I decided to give my homemade hootchie jigs a shot...I rigged a bunch of them up the night before.

I also noticed that the line on my jigging rod needed to be changed and one or two break-offs I'd be done...

I tried all sorts of jigs...Didn't have any of my Go-too's that I caught a bunch of those fish on last week (lost them all on snags) so I tried different colors...

One that I tried was a 3/8th oz blue jig head with a pink shrimp flavored XFactor Tackle Shrimp Tail Teaser. I'd been meaning to find a way to give these things a shot and so last night when I was rigging it all up I said what the heck...I figured the flapping tail would make a good twitchin' jig...

I worked the hole over good with that jig and was about to change it up when I cast one last time and BAM!

As soon as the jig entered the water, I flipped my bail and started to let the jig sink. Just after I stopped reeling (taking the slack out of the line) the on fire coho slammed the jig.

I didn't know anything was on as he hit it coming towards me, creating slack. I started my first upwards jigging motion and felt something on the end of the line, thinking it was more grass or a snag or something...About the time I felt the fish I started to reel in fast and that's when he jumped 3 feet in the air and spit the hook. Damn! So now I was 0 for 1.

I proceeded to keep trying with that jig for a while, hoping to hook that same fish or another but no dice and so I switched it up.

I put on a smaller 1/4oz jig with a purple and black hootchie skirt, fished that for a while and was about to switch to something else when during my drift I felt a tug and so I set the hook and kept even tension on the fish...He made a short run upriver and then turned and went down river...Then he started spinning in tight 360 circles trying to throw the hook. I figured I had one job to do at that point and that was to just hang on and keep tension on the line....Well after about 3 or 4 spins the hook came out and he got away...

I figure I put just a tad too much tension on him and when he turned he ripped the hook right out of his mouth. He was a bright chrome resident coho and so no doubt had a pretty soft lip...So, 0 for 2 now.

I proceeded to keep trying with that jig, lost it, tried a couple more and lost a couple more riggings...Finally, I had snapped my line enough I didn't have much left...Tried tying on a Blue Fox spinner to give them a different presentation but after about the 3rd cast I knew I didn't have enough line to effectively fight the fish if I hooked one and so I brought it in and called it.

I wanted to check out a spot I fished 4 yrs ago and so I packed up and moved upriver maybe 1 1/2 miles...Nice deep hole here...Big Eddy just above. Saw a few fish rolling below the surface but not many jumpers...

Tried eggs there for about 45 min. until I had to call it a day and head home.

Lesson learned: If you think you need to put new line on your reel, do it! Don't be a dumb bass like me and wait until the next day. If I would have had that jigging rod ready to go or time to put line on that reel, that deep hole would have been a perfect spot to twitch jigs, run plugs, spoons and spinners.

Okay, sorry for the long report. Hope some at least enjoy my ramble. If anything I have a good story of how my day went so I can refer back and get a laugh.

Those jumpin' coho are a blast! Had a great time even though didn't bring any fish home.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709