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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Long Lake Report
Stevens County, WA



66° - 70°
Rainbow Trout


Fishing early morning Trolling 2” sinker Rapalas fairly fast, long lining. Limits of fat Rainbows! The bulk were 18”-22” well fed trout with a few at 16”.
Great fishing! Limits and home by 10:30!


8/8/2019 9:35:12 PM
At least one of those fish is a salmon. Almost looks a like a Chinook or possibly coho but definitely a salmon
8/9/2019 10:50:33 AM
Those bucket biology guys know no limits.
8/9/2019 1:35:40 PM
I'd rather be a bucket biology guy that knows what I'm catching and not some uneducated fool just throwing a hook and worm and wonder why I don't catch. I was simply stating he caught a salmon. Good for him especially in long lake. He is well within his rights to keep it at it says nothing about salmon so therefore considered landlocked with the same limit as trout.
8/9/2019 1:37:12 PM
I have caught A LOT of fish in my time especially salmon so not sure what you are implying
8/9/2019 6:09:02 PM
Try humor - the probability of salmon in Long Lake is pretty remote.
8/9/2019 8:23:14 PM
If you zoom in on the upper left fish with the sharper forked tail and look at brightness, it looks like it could be kokanee.
8/10/2019 8:16:14 AM
That is a Chinook. Lake CDA is full of them, The Spokane river is full of them, Long Lake is full of them, Lake Roosevelt is full of them.
8/10/2019 9:38:40 AM
Looks like it has black gum line, too.
8/10/2019 12:17:22 PM
Thanks I’ll pay closer attention next time. Long lake has a little of everything. I caught a damn nice Walleye the other day. I’ve released quite a few what I thought big Rainbows... 3-5 pounds... they were probably Salmon as well. Thanks

Thanks again.
8/10/2019 1:00:35 PM
Chinook/King salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) a northern Pacific Ocean anadromous fish which ascends from the ocean to the rivers for the purpose of breeding. Anything in Long Lake that resembles a king is something that originated in a hatchery and is most likely know by another name - similar maybe, but just not the same. The kings I've fished for the last 56 yrs have been a a little larger too. I'm very grateful that I've had the opportunity to fish for the real thing and not something that someone in a hatchery
forgot to trim the adipose fin - enjoyed the thread guys, still enjoy the fishing where ever I can find it, hope you guys do too.
8/11/2019 7:08:00 AM
I hate to do this. To Mr. knowitall and his fancy google searched scientific names. So you are saying a hatchery razed Chinook is no longer known as a Chinook?? Wow I would of never thought that the hundreds of Coho and Chinooks that myself and other members have reeled in that had there adipose fin removed were actually not coho or Chinooks Please continue to post and give us all a proper education. The type of response you posted is what makes us all enjoy this site so much. Not only do we get great fishing tips we also get a lesson from TIchthyologist. The fish in the system CDA,Spokane River, Long Lake ,Roosevelt came from Lake Coeur D Alene. Beginning in 1982, IDFG planted juvenile chinook salmon to serve as predators on the lake's overpopulated landlocked sockeye salmon (bluebacks) and to provide a trophy sport fishery. Managers did not expect any natural reproduction. To their surprise, the salmon began spawning in streams and rivers entering Lake Coeur d'Alene, in particular the lower Coeur d'Alene and St. Joe rivers. Today about half of the 70,000 Lake Coeur d'Alene chinook salmon are in-stream spawners. The point is some of the Salmon and yes Chinook go over the Dam and into the lower system. I Have caught many of these fish while targeting other species, in all of these waters, Especially Long and Roosevelt.
8/11/2019 8:15:50 AM
Websters - thanks for the info, good stuff.
8/22/2019 11:37:51 AM
This long lake stevens county right, cause that what it says? So why is everyone chiming inn on long lake in spokane?
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709