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Banks Lake Report
Grant County, WA



All Day
61° - 65°

This report is for a 4-day trip to Banks Lake with my Brother. The first 2 days we had a hard time finding many fish. Caught several perch, a couple bass and a few walleye each day. Our usual spots around the south end of Steamboat Rock, the Poplars and the mid-lake hump weren't producing much. Turns out, we were fishing too deep (16-24 ft). On Sunday (day 3 of our trip), we headed across to the Barker Flats area and found active fish in shallower water (7-12ft). They were quite aggressive and good fighters (as walleye go). We had our 2-person limit of 14-18 inch fish by 11AM. Many of those were caught right in the weeds in 7-8 feet of stained water. The next day we headed to the same area. It was pretty windy-initially from the south, then switching from the west and boat control was more difficult. Fishing wasn't quite as fast but the fish in there were bigger. We still managed a limit of 15-19 inch fish by noon plus caught & released 2 nice post-spawn females: 4.5 & 5.5 Lbs.

Most of our fish came on smile blades with worm harness behind bottom bouncers (both green and silver blades worked). I lost a few fish on slow death hooks so switched to the 2-hook harness and had much better success. Those last 2 days deserved a 5+ rating, but overall, I'll give the trip a 4 since we had to search for a couple days before finding the active fish.


6/6/2019 11:05:13 AM
Now that is great! We all fish many many times to catch the walleye on pre or post spawn feediing days in shallow water. It never lasts long. And when it is post spawn they seem to fight harder in the shallow, warmer water.

Lucky guy.

I may try them down around Biggs where the water is cooler still.
6/6/2019 8:07:46 PM
Sounds like a whole lot of fun.
6/6/2019 9:12:45 PM
Nice! I have been to that area and when they are that shallow I am tempted to anchor and try casting to them but the ‘go to’ is trolling so I have not tried it. Well done! Yum!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709