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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skagit River Report
Skagit County, WA


Chinook Salmon

I fished three weekends of this year's special spring chinook opening. Tried plunking with spin-n-glows with roe and plugs. Didn't hook a thing, didn't see any caught. Heard of a few caught over the whole month. I don't know why WDFW thought this opening was a good idea - it doesn't do anything for the sporties at all. Hopefully the upriver opening is better next month.


5/27/2019 8:47:46 PM
The only ones that caught must of the king is the Indians
5/28/2019 8:55:07 PM
I tried 3 separate trips in the Jet boat from Sedro Wooley up to Gilligan's Creek in this month's fishery with no real success. Caught one dolly, lost a small king and a few bites here and there with bait but I think they were trout. Saw only 1 king about 10lbs caught above the pipeline, but that was it... I don't think this fishery was is a good one for the sports guys. Everyone I talked to was blanked. I like the idea of "Allowing" us sports fisherman to fish the river, but I still believe this fishery was directed towards the Tribes. I'm hoping there's a decent amount in the upriver June fishery for these which we've done good in the years past, but the hatchery counts are already down from last year at this time, possibly due to tribal netting. Would like to hear a report of the Tribal harvest reports of this fishery if that's even available to us.
5/28/2019 9:29:51 PM
Yeah, I'm anxiously waiting this Thursday's update on hatchery numbers. Normally we should have 300 in there right before the opening. Could still happen. Glad you got to at least hook a king. I had one strike in my 3 trips in our jet boat.

It's pretty clear that this opening has nothing to do with there being more fish in this run - it is pure politics, and not good ones at that. The Skagit salmon season will suck for the third year in a row, as it looks like it won't even have an early humpy opening at all - neither will the Nooksack or the Snohomish. And hopefully we get to take home a few sockeye this year - I got blanked last year.
5/30/2019 1:54:48 PM
I am too curious what the tribal harvest is for this fishery. I have yet to find anything. I read somewhere that the local WDFW biologist said that there are fish in the river, you can see them roll. And that the tribes caught fish. He attribute the low recreational catch to fishermen just hadn't figured out how to catch these fish.

Was looking forward to the hatchery escapement report also today but it is the same data from last week. For the Marblemount hatchery is still shows 100 fish as of 5/22.
5/30/2019 2:22:57 PM
I didn't see a single roller when we were out - I heard of a few the first week or so in May, but things seem to have gotten quiet. I'm not buying the "anglers just need to figure out how to catch them" argument. There needs to be more than a handful of fish in the river to have a real shot at it.
6/3/2019 7:48:07 AM
I agree.....that is why I want to know what the tribal catch was. Did they scoop them all up in the lower river? Or was the run forecast of 4K or so way off?
6/15/2019 3:38:40 PM
Natives caught kings, the run estimate for the skagit is a mere 2550 for escapement which they are about a 1/5 of the way ( 538 as of this morning per marblemount fisheries bio ) There won't be many fish in the system! I fished the cascade this morning, 40 bank anglers with 4 fish should tell you nothing up there yet.... Low water, clear vizability... Kings... U get what i'm saying? I did manage to hook into two, one completely spooled my abu with 12lb test.....
Speedbird 48
9/29/2022 12:35:30 AM
Sometimes we fishermen are a weird bunch. We complain when fisheries are closed but somehow we have managed to find a way to complain when fisheries are opened too
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709