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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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17 - Rufus Woods Report



66° - 70°
All Day

First trip of 2019, and as usual I headed to Rufus Woods, just above Chief Joesph Dam. I launched at Willow Flats public launch about 9:00 am one other truck and trailer was there.
I started out trolling along the roadside opposite the dam and put macks wedding band and a crawler and a 6" sling blade on one pole that is loaded with leaded line and let out 3 or 4 colors then on the other put on a small orange Old Goat Lure with the baby wings above about 15". I let out 4 colors and trolled past the rocks and all of a sudden I hooked up on the Old Goat Lure. Reeling it in I had hooked a nice 12 or 15" silver aka Kokanee...
After that, I Trolled up to the rock island where the cones are and then decided to put on walleye gear. I changed to bottom bouncers with an Old Goat Lure on one pole and also a macks double whammy with a crawler. I crossed the river and starting at the big pump trolled back down to the dam.
The weather was most beautiful. The first trip was great the boat ran great and am so grateful for Bob Feil Boats, that serviced the motors and replaced the injectors on the big Merc.
It is ready for a full summer of fishing.
Next trip will be motoring on up to the net pens on Rufus..
It was an uneventful day and Dave, the Tribe wildlife guy, met me back at the launch and we had a nice visit. He said lots of boat action up by the pens and up that way.
So until next trip I will build tackle covers and organize tackle.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709