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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



Trolling W/Downriggers
Cutthroat Trout
All Day

We started out first thing in the monring after the launch opened. Things started off pretty good, we got the first fish on after a couple of minutes after being set up and trolling. After that first hour though things really quieted down. It was a lot harder to get the fish to bite today, could have been the weather change, the day before was a great day but it was cloudy. We were spotting fish on the depthfinder and found that the main general activity underwater seemed to have moved out farther into the lake from the shore than the day before. So we also moved farther out and got some more fish on. We were fishing shallower today where we were seeing the fish, 35' - 40' but they were smaller fish, 8" - 16" so we went out to our deep fishing spot, (fishing 55' - 65'), and started to get larger fish but the fishing was very slow.
What a day though, compared to last weekend with so many boats on the water.
Big catch of the day was another 50 footer!! Ski rope that is. That makes 4 for this month, lots of stuff down there and we could see more ski ropes here and there on the depthfinder. The last thing we caught was a tight line connected to a "once" floating bouy, about 20' of net and some weights. The rig was very old but if anyone knows why there would be nets in the lake, just for FYI, please let me know...just curious.

We caught 12 fish today, 1 rainbow and the rest cutthrout. Kept 7, the rest being put back to grow a bit larger and lost 4 fish.

We were using gods tooth lures, orange and pink were the colors for the day. Caught the largest fish on a Rapala blue fox spinner rig.

Had a close call also that got the blood pumping quite well. A lady was driving a ski boat towing 3 kids on a tube. She was the only one in the boat and was so busy looking at the kids with her back to us as she came within 30' of us off our stern. She never even saw us until they were past us. It would have been a closer call but I saw them coming and managed to get the big motor started and pulled our boat farther away. I wouldn't recommend one to do that with downriggers set at 65', kinda hard on the equipment. I am sure they were having a wonderful time but what about that question on the required state boater certification test where it says there needs to be an observer AND an operator on a boat when pulling skiers or tubers! Am not trying to sound like an old fogey, ( I might be!), its just about being safe out there and me not wanting my boat to have a mastercraft stuck in its side!

Anyway, a very good day on the water and much thanks to the guys at Ted Sporting shop for pointing out the Kokanee black poles. Tried them this weekend and they are super nice with great action and sensitivity.

Tight lines out there and be safe!!


7/22/2018 11:57:04 AM
The nets would be from the Indians.
7/22/2018 1:51:34 PM
Yup. Natives net in the fall for salmon.
7/23/2018 5:36:45 AM
I didn't know they netted lake Sammamish too. Its a wonder any get by to Issaquah at all after all the nets in lake Washington at Kenmore.
7/22/2018 6:53:26 PM
I was out in my kayak earlier this week and some idiot in a big ski boat (no skiers/tubers) decides to do donuts for some reason and was only about 100' away from me. If I hadn't been paying attention and watching for it his wake from that would have flipped me over...
7/23/2018 5:43:17 AM
Sometimes I wonder if they do that on purpose just to piss other people off. Or are they so very stupid that they truly don't realize what they are doing???
7/22/2018 10:46:47 PM
You're not an old fogey, or maybe I am and you look younger. It's that time of year on Sammamish where the boaters have lost their memory of any certification tests. It happens all the time. Often I will be in close to shore for bass fishing and a boat and skier come by at mach 5 at least 30 feet inside of the "no wake" buoy, so even if you haven't taken the test, common sense should prevail. My favorite though was when I was in the sunken forest fishing and a group of younger people were heading straight in at at least 30 mph. I could see them going right for a deadhead tree in the area. Somehow the alcohol must have worn off due to the adrenaline rush they got when they closely missed it and killed the throttle. That could have been a good time to witness the explanation to dad on why they trashed the boat.

Thanks for a good report. Stay safe!
7/23/2018 5:34:52 AM
We have fished in amongst those sunken trees many times and I cringed when reading your experience. I just can't imagine somebody being such an idiot to hit that area faster than a couple of mph. And thanks for the compliment, (not an old fogey)!!! :)
It seems like a police patrol boat would have easy pickings making money writting these boaters up. My wife got a really bad bruise on her leg when a series of huge waves from a wake boarder hit us without us noticing while we were bass fishing. She was thrown down against the side of the boat and almost out of the boat, and our boat is a 20' boat.
I agree with you, seems like the wake boarders, with all of the lake to use...need to use the area just inside of, or on the line of the no wake bouy line.
7/23/2018 8:22:06 AM
That's a fine looking trout! And yes, I've shared your experiences with pleasure boaters as Summer rolls in. Once the weather/water warms up, so does the skiing/tubing activities. Maybe its the nature of the lake, or just the folks that frequent it on the nice weekends but I've had enough close calls and dangerous flybys from other boaters that I simply avoid fishing there between June and September. The launch can be a zoo, and the number of inattentive "captains" outnumber the fish. Last time I ventured out in July it honestly felt like I was being targeted for strafing by every teenager with a 24 foot ski boat on the lake. Not pleasant to say the least, and downright dangerous.
7/23/2018 5:46:19 PM
LOL Ba tfish!
I know its a serious thing, the free for all on the Lake these days but the way you put it was perfect.

I was thinking the same thing that if may be time, (and safer), to get to know another lake or to do yard work.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709