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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report


61° - 65°

Went to Edmonds pier to try my luck. Fished with an assortment of jigs and swimbaits, casting into the rocks. Most people were using live bait, only one person had a bite in 3 1/2 hours, and one rockfish was caught. I'm new to ling fishing in the sound, so if anyone has any tips or good piers to try, I'd appreciate it!


5/8/2018 10:35:02 PM
If your serious about it get a boat. Shore access is slim pickins. Can be done but not likely to have alot of success in puget sound from shore. I use 4-8oz UV grub jigs and catch 2-8 lingcod per outing. I recently went with a friend and caught 3 last weekend and about 30 rockfish or so aswell as some flounder and an undersized chinook of about 25". All on jigs. Macdeeps and flutter jigs work well also. 2.5oz- 5oz for those . Macdeeps will catch salmon too. If you end up getting boat access fish on top of and around pinnacles that climb up to between 50-120 FOW and drop down to 200+ FOW or fish steep drop offs and rocky structure. Also follow the bait. If you see bait balled up on your fish finder, you can bet there will be predators around too. This can be good to hone in on aswell. Good luck.
5/9/2018 7:47:48 AM
Alhazayin, I concur with JonB about the need for a boat and the lousy ling fishing inside the Puget Sound. 30 or 40 years ago ling fishing was decent in many locations....not so now. Ling went the way of the enormous numbers of cod that used to be easily caught. From Port Angeles out to the Pacific coast is your best bet. Large curly tail lead head jigs with scent, sand dabs either live or plastic and smaller live rockfish or greenling cod are your best bet. Keep in mind that if you use live bait, it counts against your limit! Also, you can't fish below the 20 fathom line except for during designated times during the year like the days halibut are open. Take a look at the regs. Due to the fishing pressure, I never keep females which tend to be a lot larger. I'll snap a few pics and turn the old ladies loose. Females will come in toward the shallower water when they go in search of a male for breeding in the spring months. JonB was correct about his comment on the pinnacles although I'd add that you'd better know your water and have a properly calibrated sonar prior to sneaking around in pinnacles. Also, down scan sonar will really help you find crevices and cracks in underwater cliffs where they lay in hiding to bushwack the unwary rockfish or greenling.
5/9/2018 1:20:02 PM
Using bait is only applied to trout/kokanee fishing. Doesn't apply to the sound. Even if the bait is live. Also as you already stated you can't fish past 120 feet unless halibut season is opened.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709