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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



46° - 50°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
All Day
41° - 45°

A tough day on the Arm; the water was very muddy and visibility was about 6 inches. This meant when we were jigging, we could only lift our jigs about 6 inches off of the bottom to get a bite. The river up to Porky was OK but anything higher meant chocolate milk. A black jig head with a root beer colored grub worked the best for me; my buddy Jay was having good luck with a red head and a motor oil/red flake grub. Our total for the day was 22 eyes and 10 smallies. Did you ever have one of those first casts that makes you go hmm. My first cast yielded a 7.25 eye; so I was really worried that I hit my peak on the first cast. Luckily I still had a fair day and caught more eyes and a bunch of smallies. Jay also caught a nice 4 lb. 24 inch male that was released. We kept 8 to eat. Hopefully the water clears up by this weekend.


4/17/2018 9:13:45 PM
Nich catch, I have been following you reports and i am jealous. I live in the westside and it's a long drive over the and especially with a boat, hopefully one day I will see you on the water.
4/18/2018 9:03:15 PM
That's a good day on the water! Good work in tough conditions!
4/18/2018 10:21:03 PM
Hi Mark I crossed in front of the Nine Mile dam yesterday and the water is raoaring over the dam choclate brown. Glad yo see uou did OK in spite of the high water flow and mud!
Tight lines Alan
4/19/2018 6:56:53 AM
Hi Alan, we did OK but the chocolate milk water made us work harder for it. The key is not to lift your jig more than a couple of inches off of the bottom. We caught the majority of our fish in less than 10 FOW as well. I saw a lot of guys trolling near buoy 1, if your spinner rig is too far off the bottom it is going to be hard to get bit when the visibility is only about 6 inches. Hope to see you out there Alan. Mark
4/21/2018 6:06:51 PM
Where did you launch I’m looking go down there tomorrow. I wasn’t sure if there was a place to launch at with the water so low?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709