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Cassidy Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



41° - 45°
46° - 50°

Having read last week’s report on Cassidy crappie fishing by member ilvcassidtlake Gringo Pescador and I decided to try something different and give a shot at these tasty slabs.

The weather forecast was looking good for a Sunday trip and the Seahawks had an evening game so double good. We arrived at the lake at a leisurely 10am and put the toon in the water. One other angler was also launching. The weather forecast was for partly cloudy to clearing skies from late morning to the afternoon. Ya, right.

I rowed us across the lake, watching the fish finder as we went. (a nice new addition to my toon). As we crossed the deep part of the lake I saw occasional marks down at the bottom. Arriving on the far side of the lake across from the rough launch we began working crappie gear toward shore and off the bottom with slip float rigs. We kept this up for a good hour with not a nibble and no sign of fish on the fish finder.

About this time the heavens opened up with a nice downpour of rain mixed with hail. Ahh, winter fishing in the Pacific Northwest!

From there we decided to head out the deeper part of the lake and worked 22-24 feet deep water off the bottom to see what those marks were. I’d done some research which indicated that winter crappie tend to migrate to deeper waters in lakes and school up there. Not sure if you can believe everything you read on the web…

No luck in deeper water, until Mark’s rod doubled over and he played a fish (briefly) back to the boat, coming unbuttoned before we could see what it was.

We fished another hour or so, called it a day at 3pm. As we came in a father with his son and daughter were heading out.

“We saw a report on NWFR and thought I’d get the kids out of the house” said the dad. For me that made the day worth it and is a perfect example of how I think NWFR works so well for motivating and introducing anglers to new fisheries. Ilvcassidylake shares a nice report and instead of two groups of anglers sitting around on a winter day we each decided to get out and explore new waters and techniques. Others would cry that ilvcassidylake was ruining “his” spot by sharing a report.


BTW, I may give Cassidy another try. I am up for a challenge to figure it out! And, it beats standing shoulder to shoulder with a couple dozen anglers on the Skykomish or playing bumper boats floating down the river.


bob johansen
12/4/2017 7:54:16 AM
Every time I read a crappie report it reminds me of that 16 incher we caught at Long Lake several years ago.
12/4/2017 10:30:51 AM
Thank you for the report. Tough to find good freshwater lake fishing this time of year.

I tend to understand why some people get irritated when a fishing report posted on here can allow for that spot to get inundated with people. It happens when you live in a crowded area like Seattle/Tacoma. But....it's always nice to know when a particular lake is producing.
12/4/2017 12:56:39 PM
But maybe that is why you didn't catch any Crappie (fished out)? We have fished Cassidy for over 40 years and in only the last 5 or so years have we seen the massive fishing pressure and the crappie decrease with it.
12/4/2017 6:37:29 PM
Sadly, this is my experience as well. Fishing skill is a wonderful thing, but using it to take home limits from small lakes like Cassidy and then post it on fishing websites is a quick way to (1) pump up your ego and (2) kill your fishing. Lake Cassidy is a wonderful lake - I hope the Crappie populations rebound.
12/4/2017 3:13:13 PM

Thank you for the help out of the launch, the kids had a great time, no crappie, but perch and they were very excited to fish and be outside. Yes NWFR is a great forum and gives me ideas all the time. Thank you again
12/4/2017 7:01:21 PM
Mike, I'm tellin' ya, Gringo and you make great fishin' friends. Now something has got to happen for you 2 to start catching! Thanks for the report. Andy
Mike Carey
12/4/2017 7:11:57 PM
thanks afk. Ya, we are in skunk mode lately. That's OK, the worm will turn.
Mike Carey
12/4/2017 7:11:11 PM
Speculation of whether something is fished out or not is just that - speculation. There are any number of reasons why we had no luck - including we didn't know what we were doing.
12/4/2017 7:27:26 PM
Mike, I'm tellin' ya, Gringo and you make great fishin' friends. Now something has got to happen for you 2 to start catching! Thanks for the report. Andy
12/4/2017 7:46:24 PM
Yes! The worm will turn. I like it.
12/4/2017 8:05:43 PM
Lmao..Fished out? Common man, give me a break! I can fish this lake 7/7 day of the week and hook up fish everytime no matter what weather or season of the year it is. Skills and knowledge of the lake plays a big roll is all i can say. Thx for the report mike carey
Mike Carey
12/4/2017 8:15:33 PM
That's kind of what I was thinking. I ate a big piece of humble pie Sunday thinking I could just wander in a catch em without putting in my dues. Happens sometimes but not this time!
12/5/2017 2:09:37 PM
Oh you can still catch a few if you really know what you're doing and put, your time in,but nothing like it was 5+ years ago. Cassidy isn't the only lake, Maybe just coincidence then but I've seen other local lakes suffer a similar demise from too much fishing pressure. Could also be coincident that those lakes were also hyped up in reports dunno?
Mike Carey
12/6/2017 7:34:21 AM
tyee33 - perhaps could it be coincidence that the population of this state has exploded in the last five years? And seriously, no one is going to put the internet genie back in the bottle. How sad if we all clam up and don't help/share information with one another. I'm coming out with an article in this month's newsletter on this exact subject. Posting end of the week.
12/7/2017 10:58:39 AM
12/7/2017 4:00:45 PM
I have never been able to figure Cassidy out. Only thing I've ever got out of there were a few small perch.
12/29/2017 1:24:10 AM
Great fishing out there once ya get it dialed in.. Spent alot of time out there figuring out that lake..
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709