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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cowlitz River Report
Cowlitz County, WA



56° - 60°
Coho Salmon
41° - 45°

Had to put my boat in the shop to have so work done at cascade marine, Big Dave squeezed me in, so I consider myself very luck. Ever fisherman knows that boat problem comes right when the fishing is best and hope to get things done fast enough to go fishing. 2weeks go by while the boat sits in the driveway due to weather and work, meanwhile my boat is collecting water. We planned to fish the cowlitz on Friday and Saturday so We needed to be at the launch earl to get the spot we wanted, so 2am was the time we all agreed on. Tim was at my house at 145, Levi & Nate were driving together. I left at 2 with Tim following, we drove from smokey point Everett before the water in my boat stop coming out the drain holes. After about 2 hours of driving my phone rang, I was Levi asking if I was on my way. I was just south of Olympia in the 70 mph zone so now I could do 75 mph, at that time they figured they were behind us. I got to exit 68 about 4am stop to gas up the boat. We got to the gate at 4:37, noticed that the sign said no cars between 10-4 p, so we drove down to the ramp and waited. I also was checking river flows while I sat, I noticed that they started to raise the flow over the dam just as we got there. About 530 another boat showed up so I launched in the dark and waited a little, I could go over in the dark because my boat had 4 headlights in the bow so we loaded everything and headed over. We sat waiting until I was light while watching all the headlamps show up on the other side and there were quite a few. At first light we started to catch fish right away, shortly after another boat showed up so we chatted. The other fisherman sat in their chair patiently waiting for us to catch out limit, but after a few fish we started to rotate between the 6 of us. We got done by 11am so we decided to make it worth the long drive and stay overnight drove to chehalis got a hotel with 2 beds , ate dinner and had some laughs before bed. Levi had a friend that wanted to fish on Saturday so we told him to be there at 4, same story launch early to get the spot. Now there is 5 of us first in the spot, later 4 other fisherman show up but 2 leave because there wasn't enough room to fish that many people. We had 2 limits by 9 since Tim had to leave by 10 I dropped him off went back, we all had our limits by 1, with a long drive ahead we marched to the freeway. I think next week we may fish the chehalis.


11/12/2017 4:10:05 PM
Nice work
11/12/2017 8:19:23 PM
Nice work kevon. Looks like you guys killed it out there.
11/13/2017 4:29:15 PM
Thanks you, it was a 2 day trip we all had so much fun, good to hear from you Jon, and thanks Hedersd
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709