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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



Coho Salmon
Hook & Bait

I hit up the lower river around Tukwilla after work. Tide was coming in, seen a few rollers. I tried drifting bait but there just wasn't enough current. Switched over to freedrifting/plunking which seemed to be the ticket. Hooked a few jacks, and kept three with the biggest being 19.5". The bite died for a little while until the fish were rolling on top of me. Landed two adult Coho back to back. A few cast later I hooked into what I thought was a giant Coho. Fought it for a few minutes as it ran up river then back down. Finally as I got it to shore I noticed it wasn't a Coho but a bright Chinook. Bonked it and called it an evening.


10/4/2017 2:44:54 PM
And you rated this a 2?!?! what does your 5 star day look like? haha nice haul!
10/4/2017 3:51:34 PM
Fisherman92 took the words right off of my keyboard!
10/4/2017 5:16:35 PM
I could be wrong but wdfw rule change says as of October 2 kings are closed on the green
10/4/2017 5:24:15 PM
I could be wrong but wdfw rule change says as of October 2 kings are closed on the green
10/4/2017 5:29:00 PM
There are two Green Rivers in Washington State. The one that closed is in South West Washington and is a tributary of the North Fork Toutle River.
10/4/2017 7:43:55 PM
Oh ok well guess i was wrong then nice fish
10/4/2017 8:54:20 PM
Nice catch. I've found them to be finicky as all hell this season. There is a stretch of the Duwamish(Green) with a 1 chinook keeper rule.
10/4/2017 9:17:41 PM
Yeah, I noticed the same thing. The pinks were very finicky, I couldn't catch one to save my life. I gave up targeting them after two unsuccessful trips in August.
10/4/2017 10:09:31 PM
Ive been looking forward to reading this year's "2 star" losaturn green river reports! Welcome back! I didnt know there was any allowed retention of green river chinook. I'll have to brush up on my regs.....
10/5/2017 2:22:12 AM
Chinook retention has been opened since Sept. 1 between 99 bridge and I 405. 1 chinook limit. I honestly thought the kings were all upriver by now, 4,0000+ fish already made it back to Soos Creek.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709