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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


51° - 55°
Pink Salmon

7am to 11am - I rated this a (4) because I witnessed (as usual) 2 Pinks caught out of a boat on the bend in downtown Snoho, while I stood on the old boat launch for an hour flicking my jigs out and crying into my tackle bag. Right before I leave another dude in a powered canoe (super awesome) putters up with 2 fish he caught in 2 hours using my same jigs. He said it was a really slow day and I was like, "Oh was it?"...... I tried to fish that high tide magic hour which didn't work (as usual), so I moved to 2 other locations, I fished 6 different jigs depending on the current and depth of the location and caught a decent sized branch, several leafs, plethora of weeds and I had at least a 200lbs bottom log on for like 5 minutes before I managed to walk down and wiggle my jig free from it's embedded state. Total Tackle Lost: 2 jigs, a spoon and a spin-glo. Technically, this is day 19 of 24 being fishless on the Snohomish for me and funny as it may sound, I'm still excited to wake up at 5am and do it all over again tomorrow. Does this make me a masochist or what? I feel like the boat launch port-a-potty accurately describes my seasons so far. What do you think?


8/24/2017 5:54:14 PM
Don't get discouraged. Have been there and done that. Keep watching what others are doing and don't be afraid to change your game plan. There is a lot of water where you were fishing, so hard to target the fish without a boat. Find the choke points and target fish there. You've got a lot of resources here on the NWFR forum. Good luck and feel free to hit some of us for info if you need suggestions.
8/24/2017 6:15:28 PM
Thanks BentRod! Don't take any of my tone as discouragement, I was actually laughing the entire time while writing this because I love laughing at how ridiculous my fishing days have gotten. If I had fully described my day it would have been even funnier (going to trim a fresh knot and cutting my main line, then going to cast and my gear is still on the bank.). I think I'm the Jerry Lewis (RIP) of fishing. I'll hit it hard again tomorrow AM and once again report. This time, maybe a fish picture and video?
8/24/2017 8:11:34 PM
At least you've got the right attitude! Gotta have that outlook these days. Best of luck to you out there.
8/24/2017 7:17:10 PM
Best. Report. Ever!

Lol. I feel ya bro!!!
8/24/2017 10:41:51 PM
I just want to say, Mr Mayhem, That I really enjoyed your post. A little humor goes a long ways when it comes to fishing the river. I recall my first time fly fishing on the Skykomish. After watching the movie: "A River runs through it", I joined millions of others who took fly fishing classes... Armed with my new knowledge, expensive rod and casting skills, I went to the river. I learned a valuable lesson that day about fishing at the river. Pretty much the river is going to eat your flies, lures, bobbers, line and anything you throw at it! I snagged on trees over-head, logs and rocks in the river, sometimes even snapped off my flies in a cast. This was quite frustrating, but I was determined. It would have been cheaper to just throw money in the river. My frustration led me to hire a guide. He showed me how to tame the river. Use bobbers to stay just off of the bottom. He showed me knots and what to fish with, when and where. I also learned that if you use a dropper and bounce off the bottom, you will lose less gear and catch more fish. Still, there are days that I have watched guys pull in fish on both sides of me while I smelled skunk. Other days, I was the lucky one with two amazing steelhead, or a 10# Silver, or three nice pinks, or a few Kings on the salt. Your dedication will earn you better days. Soon you will be the one with the glory. Be ready to where your crown, but until then... always wear a smile. Fish seem to sense our attitude and vibes on the line.
8/24/2017 10:08:43 PM
Good luck out there! Maybe I can bring some fresh luck out to the river with me in the morning.
8/25/2017 11:15:20 AM
Keep at it! It's a tough season BUT fish the biggest incoming of the day! I've produced better results on that tide! I went out Wednesday afternoon on the incoming tide and went 3/10. With kings still in the sound it's hard to hit the river for pinks!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709