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Conconully Lake Lake Report
Okanogan County, WA



81° - 85°
71° - 75°

Didn't feel like going home after work today so took a drive up to upper Conconully after work. Lots of jetskis on the water when I arrived. I tried trolling up the upper half of the lake past the houses. Fish finder was blank in anything over 50' of water so I pulled my gear and head back down the lake. Marked a few fish off the rope swing and started trolling to the dam from there.

In about 5 minutes the first rod went off. Landed a fat 16" Kokanee. A few minutes later I picked up a second fish on the turn away from the dam. Shortly after getting everything back in the water both lines snagged on something and I lost the entirety of both setups in 55' of water trolling at 30' deep. I hate losing Kokanee gear...grrrr. The sun had already dipped behind the hills before I got everything retied and deployed again. Picked up 2 Rainbows including a beautiful 18" fish. I released both bows and in my last loop back towards the boat ramp picked up one more kokanee to complete my limit.

I caught the vast majority of my fish on silver Paulina Peak teardrop dodgers combined with cotton candy (pink/blue) or wickiup sunrise (chartreuse/orange) microhoochies. I didn't pick up a single fish on pink. Nearly every fish came on the turn on the outside rod so I think they are looking for a little more speed than the 1.5 to 1.7 mph I was averaging.

This was my first time kokanee fishing this lake. The fish are further along in development than other lakes in the region but are still cutting well. This was also my 12th kokanee lake for the year which is a new record for me. I was marking surprisingly few fish but still catching well. They must of developed cloaking technology.


8/23/2017 8:21:21 AM
Nice report!!
8/23/2017 11:33:41 AM
Nice Fish!!
8/23/2017 11:53:42 AM
this is one of my favorite places in the whole world. The people, the fish, the camp grounds. All make this a place to go. Did you know they have literally hundreds of miles of off road trails? The amount of bikes/quads ect.. is amazing up there. And deer peeking in the Tent at night is a fun shock.
8/23/2017 4:30:09 PM
thanks for the report, you are awesome, T.
8/24/2017 10:40:15 AM
Nice job! We fished there over the weekend for the first time ever. Awesome place. As you, I was not marking much at all, and had heard the best bet was the other side of the lake so that's where we focused. Only picked up a couple fish, but they sure are nice! Wish we would have tried the other side by the Dam.
Mike Carey
8/24/2017 7:24:50 PM
If you were in the center area of the dam just at the drop off you hit the same underwater tree I donated a rig to. I hate losing favorite gear!
8/26/2017 10:53:52 AM
27 aug. hooked all 4 lines same place. What a mess Did well though once we got dialed in. Bad info from local sent us to dogleg
8/26/2017 10:54:57 AM
27 aug. hooked all 4 lines same place. What a mess Did well though once we got dialed in. Bad info from local sent us to dogleg
8/29/2017 9:29:02 PM
Your quote: "Shortly after getting everything back in the water both lines snagged on something and I lost the entirety of both setups in 55' of water trolling at 30' deep"

I've hit that snag too, there's gotta be $50 worth of gear on that now lol
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709