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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report


51° - 55°
Pink Salmon
Buzz Bombs

Hit up Admiralty Bay on Sunday Morning. Got skunked, I only saw a few jumpers here and there, no schools passed by. I only saw 3 fish landed, the humpies are taking their sweet time this year, I've caught fish by the last week of July, getting skunked in mid-August is odd, maybe I brought back the skunk from fishing in Mexico? My guess is the schools should be at Area 9 by next weekend, maybe after that they'll arrive in the rivers en masse or something. Tight lines.


8/15/2017 8:15:27 AM
I believe the wdfw is right about the smaller return of pinks. I also hope they are late but the way things are looking they might just not be a huge run of them this year. Let's hope it's not worse then wdfw suggested as that would be a downer. Either way can't wait until fall for them silver bullets to show up in our local rivers
Salmon King
8/15/2017 12:13:53 PM
If they don't get here soon we won't have a season left...
Season closes to all Salmon on Sept. 4!!!!
Salmon King
8/15/2017 12:17:37 PM
If they don't get here soon we won't have a season left...
Season closes to all Salmon on Sept. 4!!!!
8/15/2017 1:06:39 PM
Only in certain areas of the sound. Certain rivers will still open to certain species
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709