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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA


Cutthroat Trout

Despite the morning starting as a total cluster I 'became the duck' and let the water roll off my back, forging ahead with fishing plans. On the water by 7:30, line down with a size 1 Dipsy Diver on 3.5 to the side, Pink Sling Blade and Pink Hoochie with Anise Krill scent 80 ft let out at 2.0 MPH.

The Dipsy Diver and Anise Krill are two new things I thought I would experiment with on this outing. I left the ramp and headed straight for the Southern tip of Mercer. About halfway there while watching how the Diver was running I was just thinking " I am not impressed how far to the side this runs" when the tip went crazy. As I was reeling the fish in I realized that I had not put a net in the boat... Did not matter. Reeled the fish in and hand lined it over the side into the boat. Nice little 12.5" Cutt! Cool!
Reset, and determined where to go as while reeling the boat had gotten turned around. Could not think on it long as the tip went crazy again! Same deal except this one was about 14".

I was thinking " This thing works great!" But went another hour before I pulled in a 20" one. Dang! One 'hit and run' before I got that one. Right about here I was thinking if I caught a fourth I would pull the Diver off and see if it made a difference on catching a fifth. No more hits. One more 'hit and run' an hour later, but that was it for the next two hours. The bite was gone.
Was it the Diver? Didn't seem to me it got off to the side all that much. The Anise Krill? Can't say for sure. I have had runs of fish using garlic as well. Without further playing I would just say 'The bite was on'. Or at least it was for a while. The funny thing is they were all caught out in the middle , and I mean nearly centered straight off Mercer and between all land.
Tight Lines and Sharp Hooks!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709