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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Alaska - South West Report



56° - 60°
All Day

We've talked of going to AK on a fishing trip for some time and finally made it happen. Spent 5 days in Sitka, 3 days fishing. Had a great time, good charter, good fishing, and plenty to bring home. We caught Coho and King salmon, limited on halibut and sea bass each day, and added some bonus bottom fish (yellow eye, ling cod, copper rock fish, etc.) as well.

Weather was awesome, clear and sunny every day on the water. The Coho bite was off a bit, but those we did catch were very nice averaging 12+lbs. I caught the biggest Coho (13+lbs), halibut (est 50 - 55lbs), and ling cod (est 42" - 45"). Size restriction where we fished for halibut is under 43" or over 80" and ling cod must between 30" - 35" or over 55", so got to see both of my best swim away to fight another day.

Even so, we brought home 130lbs of fillets for 3 days fishing. Already talking about going again next year. :-)


9/7/2016 5:00:00 PM
Thats on my bucket list too. Sounds like an awesome trip!
9/7/2016 10:17:00 PM
Nice report
blufin loui
9/8/2016 5:53:00 AM
So that's what a smile looks like in Alaska. You two ROCK. Tell Debby hello for us, and thanks for a great report, sounds like a fantastic time was had.
9/8/2016 7:13:00 AM
We had a great trip, such a nice change from our "routine". If it's on your bucket list, do it, you won't regret it. :-)
9/8/2016 10:42:00 AM
Love Alaska. Which charter did you use?
9/9/2016 9:07:00 AM
fishinChristian you have a PM. ;-)
10/24/2016 7:43:00 AM
Can you send me a pm too?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709