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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 25 - Nootka Sound, Esperanza Inlet Report
British Columbia



Chinook Salmon
All Day

Hello all! Just touching base and giving everyone some insight on the fall salmon seasons! I got back from Alaska end of July, and finally get some time off guiding (to fun fish of course). August is my month to fill the freezer with trips to Vancouver Island, fishing the ocean on the West Coast!

This summer yet again has been no dissapointment, other than the fact that the chinook moving to the columbia migrated through a couple weeks earlier than normal, and the wind has kicked the ocean up pretty bad most days this summer

Halibut, Lingcod, Chinook, Coho... All been finding its way to the family freezer pretty easily. This last week was a bit tougher for chinook now that they seem to have moved south along the salmon highway... But we had great limits of 50-70lb halibut, 20lb lingcod, nice chinooks from 18-30lbs... And most importantly for all you Washington Anglers such as myself... GREAT healthy numbers of super fat, strong, healthy Washington and Oregon bound coho!

Yes, you heard correct... I know WDFW is just being safe with the closures this year... They always take the easy way out... But their info is wrong. Last year coho were virtually nonexistant in the ocean, and ones we caught were tiny, skinny... Unhealthy fish. This is not the case this year...

When fishing chinooks offshore up here... We are catching great numbers of 8-16lb cohos. Yes... 16lbs and its barely August!! Up here we must release wild coho offshore, but they are so spread out we have caught good numbers of hatchery coho, all bigger healthy fish, released some amazing big states bound wild coho, and even found nice big coho close to shore where we can keep them.

Point being... Coho are not going to be as crappy and dismal this fall as projected. Late July-Now has shown me some of the healthiest coho ive seen in years in the ocean, and with all these hatchery fish mixed in (canada doesnt clip but a few coho) they are certainly states bound.

Unfortunately... Although i doubt we see any re-openings this fall regardless of returns... It means good things for the future of coho in our rivers. No, they arent going extinct haha!

With this said... Not all coho fisheries are closed... I will be actively targeting open coho fisheries this fall in WA... There are some left open yes! I cannot wait for these coho we have seen to show up, going to be a fun fall.

So, if your local river is closed and you want to fish... Give me a call, text, email... Go to my website and check out the info and options. I will be fishing coho Sept 15-December and im filling up really fast for prime dates at this point. Get ahold of me and lets fish! Good luck out there everyone... Tight lines!


5/14/2017 5:22:30 PM
Danny, which Marine Zone should we move this report to? We've added all of the Canadian Marine Zone areas and want to get it moved.

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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709