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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



71° - 75°
Rainbow Trout
66° - 70°

Decided it was time to start targeting this year's crop. Coordinated with my fishing buddy and the date was a go.

We pulled away from the dock at 7am and headed downstream. Decided to work the shore across from Lincoln and it turned out to be a good way to start. Within the first half hour I put three in the cooler including a chunky 16" native 'bow. We continued our troll north and when we stopped getting hits turned around and trolled back the opposite direction. Soon after, I iced my 4th 'bow, so suggested my buddy take the next rod that went off, but they were quiet all the way back to where we started.

We decided it was time to move, so I motored downstream to one of my favorite spots. Was a good decision as we iced another 3 nice rainbow in about 15 minutes including my 5th which was best for the day a 2lbs, 12oz 19" native.

My buddy finally finished out his limit right at 11am. We switched to kokanee specific gear and trolled for another hour enjoying a leisurely lunch and the beautiful day before heading back for the ramp. Boat stowed and on the road by 1:15.

Surface temps are still a bit too warm IMO and ranged from 66.8° when we launched to 67.3° by the time we stowed gear. Even so, we picked them off with leaded line out 155' and long lined mono 195' back. The two biggest came off Rip'n Minnow plugs, one off a perch pattern (largest of the day) and the other off a black pearl pattern. The rest came off Kekeda perch pattern flies tipped with a chunk of crawler on the leaded line rigs. We had no joy for kokes.

Trolling speed ranged from 1.8 - 2.6mph with most success coming from speeds between 2.3 - 2.6mph.


9/29/2016 8:19:00 PM
Looks like you had a nice calm day, you fish a lot faster than I have been are you using a flasher? Good job. Water is full of fish.
9/29/2016 9:37:00 PM
Great to see you getting out for a trip. I don't think you can beat these nice warm Fall days as far as comfort goes. And when the fishing is hot too it's all the better. That was about our day too minus the big 'bow you had. From the pictures it looks like a gorgeous day to be out there. Glad the flies produced for you. Thanks for the report. -Dave
Two Brothers #1
9/29/2016 11:10:00 PM
Nice to see you out Hewesfisher, and having a great day also. Its getting time to start the fall season on our beautiful Lake Roosevelt, can't wait to get it going, thanks for the report, see you all out on the lake.
9/30/2016 7:08:00 AM
I'm excited for the fall/winter trout fishing! I work here at Hewescraft and during the fall and winter months our loaner boat doesn't get taken out all too often. I hope to change that this year. Glad to see there's plenty of action out there!
9/30/2016 11:37:00 AM
Fishtrembles - Don't use a dodger with my setups, not needed, only time I do is if I'm running off downriggers. I rarely ever troll under 2mph.

Dave - Was good to get out. Your Kekeda flies produced right off the bat. Had to laugh at my buddy, he started with a plain muddler, but watched me put 4 in the cooler before he changed out to a similar fly. I'd have preferred a windier day with overcast, but who can complain when the fish are biting on a day like that. We even saw two separate groups of bighorn sheep. :-)

Two Brothers #1 - Good to see your reply, hope to see you out there someday.

Lambojac - Life must be good with a loaner boat, best time of the year now through late winter so you should have plenty of opportunity.

Good fishing to all. :-)
9/30/2016 2:04:00 PM
Hello Hewesfisher, we launched at Ft Spokane same time same day and results not quite the same, except for the orange Kekeda
flies - bite was on when we started trolling just below the bridge at about 7:15 and it lasted until about 9:00 - from then on it was a
hit and/or hook up about every 30-45 minutes - wife was pretty frustrated having brought three almost to the boat and they flipped
off (I think lips are pretty soft on the new crop) - on the next one she exclaimed this one won't get away and she set the hook so hard
she could have pulled off the jaw on a great white - needless to say that was as far as that fish got. Orange was the color for sure.
When cleaning they we not very fat and stomachs were empty - probably only a few days out of the pens. Shared a couple of filet's with
my neighbors and a good dinner for us last night. I agree we're still a couple or more weeks away from the cooler temps, but it was
nice out until they started the burn in the campground - NE wind brought the smoke straight to us so headed in. Our troll speed was
1.6-2.2 - tried a small rapala minnow and the hits were really hard, but never got one beyond 1/2way to the boat. Will be watching the
WX for another try again next week. See y'all out there some where.
9/30/2016 5:09:00 PM
Interesting feedback outthere. I don't set hooks, let the rod do that. The perch Kekeda was hot, it's my default every time out and I don't change unless it isn't getting hit. I almost put an orange Kekeda on after my 4th fish demolished the perch, but I had spares so stayed with what had been working. IIRC, only one or two were thin, the rest were stuffed and chunky for their size.

Wondered what the smoke was all about as we rounded the bend near Lincoln. Can't believe they actually had a scheduled burn with the dry conditions we still have. Good news is it was scheduled rather than wildfire.

We will be back next weekend so if you're downstream from Ft. Spokane you might find me. White sided Hewescraft with a pair of Mercs on the back and probably 2 or 3 anglers on board. If you see the Hewescraft owner's forum URL (www dot etc) on the side, that will be us. :-)
9/30/2016 7:30:00 PM
Great report Hewes, we are looking forward to fishing Lake Rosie this winter as health issues are keeping us from going south this winter. What is your advise about when the Kokanee group up and start biting again? It seemed like from what I have read that February and March seem to be the hot months but we have never been here that time of year so I'm searching for information. As always I enjoy reading your reports. Bob
9/30/2016 10:23:00 PM
Glad to see you got into some fish Hewes, thanks for the report. The fishing should only get better as the water cools. Had to remove all the salmon stuff ( AKA slime) from my boat and get it "ready" for the fall/winter at Roosevelt. Always a great time down there in the winter. Talk to you soon- Alan
10/2/2016 6:39:00 AM
Agree completely Alan and once surface temps consistently stay below 60° fishing should improve greatly. I took advantage of the 75° temps and put the side and drop curtains back on, so much easier in the heat. ;-)

Bob I don't really know when the kokanee will start grouping up again. That's one fishery I still don't have a good working knowledge on. If last year can be used as an indicator, then hopefully in Feb and Mar the koke action should start picking up. I know it's time to go when I start reading good reports here.
10/3/2016 6:51:00 PM
Thanks for the great report. You have me excited about getting back down to Roosevelt. I tried Salmon fishing further down the river and have concluded that it is a lot of WORK and I think I prefer the Kokanee and Trout on Roosevelt. For Hewesbob, I am still pretty muchly a rookie on the Kokanee but my best months were December and January by far. Need to get down there and try to make October a great month.
10/7/2016 12:44:00 PM
Wow! Sounds like a party! You guys are making me anxious to get up there but it wont be till salmon season closes.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709