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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



76° - 80°
Trolling W/Downriggers
61° - 65°

Launched at Keller with a slow start at 9:00am. My girlfriend's little sister had asked to go fishing so we didn't push it. Figured we could bring the dogs and have a good day, and we did.

Started fishing at Hanson, with zero luck. After about 35 minutes we ran down to the upstream end of the rock face below Keller, trolling back tword Keller clipping all the points. We quickly found some nice rainboows, one about 17, the other almost 20 along with some of the pesky fresh planters...

Finally after breaking the skunk with these we went to shore fore about an hour for lunch and so the dogs could swim.

Eventually we ended up at the far end of the rock face and finally found some kokes.
We motored into an area, set up the kicker set the lines and had a koke on within 5 minutes. This fish was the only Koke of the day to really SLAM the lure the way I have known Roosevelt kokes to hit. I have never seen what I saw on the next three passes...

The next fish came on the next pass and did what all the rest would do for the day. The rod stopped moving bouncing with the Dodgers action, then just a slight downward dip, and back up, then again, (very slow dips, no sharp movement at all) I grabbed the rod thinking maybe it was one of the tiny planters, popped the clip, reeled the slack, and boom fish on, and another koke in the boat!

The next two did the exact same, (and didn't fight very hard either) but we got them, and had a great time.

Side note, someone hit my trailer in the parking lot. They didn't do much damage (a shattered tail light and a bent bracket I think I can fix. They left a $10 bill under my wiper that said sorry, but no contact information... Not that it's going to be a whole lot more than $10, but it was a bit of a bummer, and people should take responsibility.

Honestly if they had left contact info, I probably would have called it good because they clearly were sorry. So please remember to leave contact info, it shows that you really do intend to take reaponsibilty for your actions.

It was still a pretty great day. And a huge HUGE thank you to the guy who lent me the wrench for the one part of the trailer that really HAD to be fixed on the spot.


5/31/2016 6:55:00 PM
Had my trailer hit at Spring Canyon with an apology note but no $10! What do you know?
Mr Brown
5/31/2016 7:09:00 PM
Your welcome. I picked up the broken lens and put it in the trash for you. That does suck at least he gave you something. I had a side bunk stolen off my trailer at Keller years ago
5/31/2016 7:48:00 PM
Thanks Mr. Brown!
Im sorry I didn't pick up the lens. That was an oversight in my haste to find a wrench to get my boat out, at the time there was only one other guy at the ramp and he was already in his truck.
5/31/2016 7:52:00 PM
wait, were you the guy who lent me the wrench? or just telling me that you picked up my pieces?

Either way thanks, and if you are the wrench guy double thanks!
Mr Brown
5/31/2016 9:42:00 PM
nope I didn't loan you the wrench.
6/1/2016 7:19:00 AM
Sorry to hear about your trailer being hit..Happens I guess.
On a Good note, Nice Kokes & Bows. I've been reading the reports from there for the past months & Drool every time I see those HUGE KOKES Too far from Eveerett though to drive out.
6/1/2016 4:56:00 PM
your lucky you got anything most people hit n run?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709