12/3/2014 9:51:00 PM1300 hours. That sounds like Navy talk. Sounds familiar. Glad you had a great day on Roosevelt, and that
the fishing was good. Sounds like the flies ares still the ticket. We are hoping to get over that way in a month or so, but in the meantime I will be doing some fly fishing I hope over here at Coldwater Lake by Mt. St. Helens for rainbows, cut-bows, and some native cuththroat if there isn't too much snow up there and the road is open. Tight lines to you.

12/3/2014 10:00:00 PM
12/4/2014 7:39:00 AM
12/4/2014 7:50:00 AMNot implying anything, so please don't take it wrong, but want to add this for any and all who might read these Roosevelt reports: Please remember ALL trout count toward your daily limit when using bait, whether kept or released. You can only C&R one daily trout limit (5 rainbow at Roosevelt, kokanee ARE excluded) when trout fishing with bait. One reason I will sometimes drag plugs with no bait or scent, can C&R until the cows come home or I decide to put a limit in the cooler. :-)

Two Brothers #1
12/4/2014 8:22:00 AM
12/4/2014 9:35:00 AM
12/4/2014 9:36:00 AM
12/4/2014 10:29:00 AMWhere use of bait is prohibited, or where lures or flies are used voluntarily, Game Fish may
be caught and released until the daily limit is retained. If any fish has swallowed the hook or
is hooked in the gill, eye, or tongue, it should be kept if legal to do so.
When using NO BAIT catch and release until you retain a limit or your arms fall off :)

YJ Guide Service
12/4/2014 2:38:00 PM
12/5/2014 9:46:00 AMAnyway, I don't know anyone who stretches the truth about their luck...all fisherman are honest about their success and technique. That said, I will freely admit that I once pulled a hurking big sucker out of Roosevelt up by Wilmont Cove and tried to sell my wife on the idea it was a prairie salmon. She didn't buy it.
Phil, looks like we might be neighbors! We're making on offer on some property nearby.