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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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06 - Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam Report


Chinook Salmon

I had an awesome chance to take my Mom and Dad for some Fall chinook salmon fishing on drano lake. My Dad got knee replacement over the summer and has been couped up all summer long, and he finally was well enough to go out on the boat. He called me Tuesday and asked "if you got to fish anywhere in the northwest for the record run where would you go?" I said I would calll some friends and call him back. We booked a trip with a gude and went fishing.

We didnt get to boat launch till after 7 and had to walk quit a way to park. With the adreline pumping we through the downriggers in immediatly after leaving the boat launch. Since my Mom and Dad are unfamiliar with these I ran the show, but I couldn't hardly get both of them in the water before fish on! It was fast and consistant with bites, but we could not keep them on the line due to barbess hookes and good coffee (lol). Finally we decided to just leave the pole in the holder on the next bit for while before trying to battle with it, and that was the key. Sure enough directly in front of the launch the port rigger starts dancing. My dad has had enough with my mis hooks, and despite his bumb knee he gets up and pushes me out of the way to get the rod out "I got this one Bear". After a few seconds which felt like an hour he finally gave trying to get it out of the holder and asked me to get it out. I just bench pressed 225 28 times in a row yesterday to train for the imaginary combine, and I could barely get this thing out. I got it out of the holder and SCREAM SCREAM the reel went. We ended up landing it after a good fight, but we probably shouldn't have given the tiny net we had. Check out the video...

We pulled out immediatly and had breakfast at bridge rv park (awesome people). We couldn't stand siitting around so we went back and I manage to loose another fish but to a snapped line (I have some learning to do). Anyways Drano produced... check out the video


thanks Dave for being an awesome guide and a go to guy!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709