6/27/2011 4:02:00 PMElijah.Loves.Fishin
6/27/2011 4:19:00 PM@ returnofthefish - the shad run this season has been horrible. It's supposed to peak at high numbers for 2 weeks but it peaked for 2 days.. In 2007 between me and my father, we took home over 100. since that year we have not had anywhere near as much success. refer to this site for the next season :)
6/27/2011 4:20:00 PMSportRadical
6/27/2011 4:43:00 PMreturnofthefish
6/27/2011 5:14:00 PMI have been using this website from the US Army Corp of Engineer. Its the count of fish swimming throught the ladders of the dam.