1/11/2017 7:46:00 PM
1/12/2017 9:16:00 AM
1/12/2017 10:25:00 AMalong the Bryant Stanwood road coming from Hwy 9 going west and crosses to Stanwood if you know where this road is long ago maybe 50
some years ago wow hard to belive but when I saw this report just had to ask ?

1/12/2017 11:02:00 AM
1/12/2017 5:40:00 PM
1/12/2017 6:00:00 PMhttps://fortress.wa.gov/dfw/erules/efishrules/rules_freshwater_river.j?body_of_water_id=1691
Pilchuck Creek is closed from the mouth to Hwy 9.
I was fish the Pilchuck River near Granite Falls.

1/12/2017 6:08:00 PM
1/12/2017 7:36:00 PMAll FRESHWATER areas are CLOSED
to fishing for SALMON, DOLLY VARDEN/
Fishing for COMMON CARP, SHAD, or
FORAGE FISH is open only during open
Game Fish or SALMON seasons.
The coho was an incidental catch, and it was released,

1/13/2017 4:47:00 PM
1/17/2017 12:02:00 PM600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091
December 2, 2016
Stillaguamish River and tributaries to close to fishing
Action: Close the Stillaguamish River, North and South Forks of the Stillaguamish River, and Canyon and Pilchuck Creek, to fishing.
Species affected: Trout and other game fish.
Locations and effective date:
The closure is in effect Dec. 5, 2016 through Jan. 31, 2017, in the following locations:
Stillaguamish River: Closed from Marine Drive (South of Stanwood) upstream to the forks.
North Fork Stillaguamish River: Closed from the mouth upstream to the mouth of French Creek.
South Fork Stillaguamish River: Closed from the mouth upstream to the Granite Falls Fishway.
Canyon Creek: Closed from mouth to forks.
Pilchuck Creek: Closed from mouth to the Highway 9 Bridge.
Location and effective date:
The closure is in effect Feb. 1 through Feb. 15, 2017, in the following location:
North Fork Stillaguamish River: Closed from the mouth of French Creek upstream to Swede Heaven Bridge.
Reasons for action: The Whitehorse Hatchery is expecting a very low return of hatchery early winter steelhead this year as there were no hatchery releases of smolt in 2014 or 2015.
Other information: The North Fork Stillaguamish from the mouth of French Creek to the Swede Heaven Bridge is the hatchery terminal area for the Whitehorse Hatchery. This section of river will remain open through January to allow anglers the opportunity to harvest any remaining hatchery summer steelhead. Trout minimum size 14", daily limit 2; other gamefish statewide minimum size and daily limit.
Information Contact: Mill Creek Regional Office, (425) 775-1311.

1/17/2017 12:04:00 PM