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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Coquille River Report
Coos County, OR



56° - 60°
Chinook Salmon
Mostly Sunny
All Day
56° - 60°

One of my favorite places to fish is on the Coquille River with my brother. I spent 5 days there (Oct 6-10) and had some of the best fishing we have had in a long time. We started off Thursday AM very slow. Not even a bite for the first 4 hours. As the tide went slack and the tide began to come in, so did the fish. In an hour and a half every pass through a short stretch of river produced a fish. Mostly wild Coho, all released un-netted and unharmed. On the 7th pass, we hooked into a nice king. I soon netted a 17 pound hen! The stretch went quiet and we headed up river with the tide. Soon hooked into another nice king. This one seemed bigger. With numerous runs, diving under the boat, staying down. We had one opportunity to net it and as the net was just under the fish, it turned, ran then shook the hook. "Slow net" cost us a large king. Oh well.

The next two days were relatively unproductive as we only hooked and released 6 silvers and landed one undersized striped bass. the whole river was slow as even the guides appeared to not find many fish.

Sunday was a great day. On our first pass, we caught an 18 pound king. the next pass produced a small 8 pound king. Later in the day another 18 pounder was netted. we had a number of hits that didn't take and one Coho that had the courtesy to release itself at the boat. All the fish we caught using cut plug herring and a flasher.

Bob bbqed one of the best salmon dinners I have ever eaten. I enjoyed a 2 hour boat ride the next day then had to head back home to Spokane.

Sorry about the picture, my wife says I need a new phone to take pictures with and these pics prove it. :)


10/12/2016 1:21:00 PM
wow, big fish.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709