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Wallace River Report
Snohomish County, WA



All Day

Back at it on the Wallace.
Lamiglas SI-IH 9'3" L
Okuma Celilo 8' UL

It was just another one of those days. I can't really say whether it was a great one or a really bad one. Probably a little but of both.

I began exploring water around 7:20ish right as a little bit of light was creeping over the valley. Immediately I encountered a bobber down that resulted in a snag and a loss of my bobber due to a branch severing my line. Luckily I was able to climb over the river and retrieve the bobber as it sat stuck on the limb.

So partial victory there. Re-rigged and kept moving. Plenty of decent water out there, it looked good today. Apparently Reiter is in shape too, but that combat fishing is not for me.

A beautiful, slow-walking speed run was covered most extensively by me today. I knew there was fish in there, and the prodding of water with my float soon resulted in a bobber down right as it went past an overhanging tree.

Aha! Fish on, right where he should be! Chrome sides flashed at me and the fish appeared to be of decent weight, but it soon became apparent that this wasn't a Steelie. Closer inspection revealed a late, relatively bright late run Coho. I unhooked and released him.

Soon another take. This one flashed red, and another coho had smacked my jig. This 7ish pound buck was a little more colored. He was released. Two casts later, another takedown, and a super spunky, dime bright coho flopped about on the end of my line. Brought in and released like the others.

I also managed to catch a bulldog, small rainbow and cutthroat,and a whitefish on jigs of various sorts. Literally everything but a steelhead. Oh well, I had a good time.

Until the end.

Right before I left I was talking to a fellow fisherman, and crossed the river and stood on a 7-8 foot high fallen log, and upon the dismount, one of the roots gave way and I fell the whole distance onto the cobble below. I am now quite immobile with a bone bruise on my knee (Rob Gronkowski?) But was able to hobble up the hill and all the way back to the truck.

Unfortunately, my 9'3" Lami snapped on the fall as well, losing 6-8 inches off the tip. That might be hard to fix. $450 fishing pole, snapped, again, the day after I got it fixed from it's previous break. My luck with that thing seriously.

So a pissed off, battered, unsuccessful, rod-less steelhead fisherman returned home with bruises on his arm and a bad one on his kneecap. The lack of steelies was fine; the other fish more than made me happy today. But the loss of my rod and knee really put a damper on the day.

I will be stuck at home for a couple days at least letting my knee heal up. As for my rod, goddamn I don't know. It was one that I built myself, put all of the guides and cork on and everything, so it's sort of irreplaceable. One misstep and everything went downhill.

Ian Horning, signing off. Take care of the rivers for me when I'm gone :)

Tight lines, and like I said in my previous report, USE YOU'RE THINKING CAP Y'ALL.


12/16/2015 8:33:00 AM
Thats too bad... ive had the same luck lately, bulls, coho, cutts, chum.. no steel landed, only one confirmed steel hook up over several attempts.
12/16/2015 9:55:00 AM
We fished yesterday too. Surprised we didn't run into you.
12/16/2015 1:17:00 PM
Dannyl mr. Horning isnt fishing where you guys were im betting. Ive got s hunch he is fishing a pretty low key stretch on the wallace away from the crowds.
Ian Horning
12/16/2015 3:05:00 PM
Haha jonb you would be correct. I'd rather find one aggressive fish than spend hours casting over twenty fish up by that hatchery that have seen it all.
12/16/2015 6:23:00 PM
If you have the original receipt for the lami you may be able to get it on a warranty replacement. If not they sell the tip sections by themself for many of the models. I just had to replace two tip sections that got fallen on in the boat.
12/16/2015 7:26:00 PM
They are in there, was at Wallace few days ago, caught a 30" chrome buck 9lb, and few 15-16+ inch fatty bows, (released) You just need to tune into the water color, as the visibility of the water, has been changing from am- evening (little color to the water is good) at least we're I was fishing, Sucks to hear about the lami, I also slipped and fell today at Wallace, and was carrying 2 of my favorite g.loomies rods 1 ultra light, other steelhead rod. Both flew out of my Hands, but thankfully nothing damaged, just a few Scuffs.
12/16/2015 9:49:00 PM
Ive seen a few pulled out here and there, the days with 2ft vis are best.
12/17/2015 7:36:00 PM
Jonb: ya 2 feet sounds about right, anything more , just seen them swim by without any interest, even with zero pressure, were I fished.
12/17/2015 11:50:00 PM
Hey Ian Horning, sorry to hear of your tumble and broken rod. Get well soon, so we can continue to read your excellent reports.
I took a fall near the snoho when things were slick after a huge downpour. Did not get hurt, but snapped a rod tip and destroyed a reel.
I saw some dudes with rods in carry cases that looked pretty safe.
12/18/2015 7:28:00 PM
Sorry to hear about the Lammy. At least you caught some nice fish. I have been out a number of times and have yet to see my bobber go under.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709