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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs

Finally got the Ok to take off my arm brace from shoulder surgery. Still need to be carefull but Doc didn't say I couldn't fish. Just to keep shoulder safe. So I couldnt wait to try. So in my hurry I get the wrong boots ones with rubber soles instead of felt. I go to the Wallace first and begin wading and slipping around in the water. Not a good idea but I was determined. Check out three more holes on the Wallace. I went to Hiway 2 three fisherman all using legal gear but slow low and clear. I go upstream and decide to wade across again slip and slide no fish. Tried the Hatchery one car no fish I left. Next went down and walked in a a slippery trail down to river with walking stick. I starting to feel a little worried. Have I pushed my luck too far. Man one slip and back to surgery. So I carefluuly walked out. I was determined to catch one coho so I finally on the way back to Monroe I stop along the Skykomish where I know I won't have to wade. First cast I started getting hammered on eggs. Machine gun raps.. smolts. Catch and release a few and got a hard rap or two. Finally two familiar solid raps... wack fish on!! A nice little hen yippee and just in time to go home to watch the Hawks.
On the way home I had to stop an Lewis street bridge where once again a waded out to the sandbar. Man not very smart. Luckily I survived but no fish, but a saw a good 20 + Chum. Yes Chum roll right in front of me. there are coho in the river you just have to search for them. I survived caught a fish and made it home to watch the last 1/2. So I consider it a good day. I should have kept fishing.


10/20/2015 11:58:00 AM
IS that a Shimano Bantam!!!!!
10/20/2015 1:21:00 PM
Sounds like you had quite an advanture. But you got your fish so congrats! Never fished Sky before. Very tempting to try it. Any pointers?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709