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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Coho Salmon

So I invited my buddy kelvin up from federal way to fish with me on the snohomish he got to my house around 615 am. He loaded his rod and rain jacket, and vest so off we went to the river. Got to the river around 7 ish put the boat in and off we went. There were a few boats ahead of us mostly guides. I wasn't to worried about getting a spot because they were nut to butt at the top of crab bar. There were also 15 guys standing in the middle of the river just below the boats. I was in shock because that many guys crossed the river in the dark. My buddy got the first coho within his first couple of cast on a spinner. I started with free drifting eggs and fished that way for a while before I started to put fish in the boat. I hooked and landed the next 5 fish, as we joked and laughed, the skies opened up and buckets of rain fell on us. I had to use the bilge pump twice to drain the pool in my sled. We head to the launch to clean fish. We headed to the Pilchuck for a bacon burger and fries with fry sauce.


10/10/2015 8:24:00 PM
You guys rocked it. Nice work!
10/10/2015 9:13:00 PM
Nice job man, lol at stacked up nut to butt..
10/10/2015 9:15:00 PM
Nice going, and yes, "Classic Line" N2B,...
10/10/2015 11:10:00 PM
Great work. Looks like you had fun! A day to remember.
10/11/2015 12:37:00 AM
Yall killed it!! Hit me up next time you head out. I would love to join. I talked to Toure tonight and told him I met you. He remembers you man. Small world! Congrats on the limit brotha
10/11/2015 8:24:00 AM
Congrats..nice fish.. Saw you guys pulled up in front of us that day. And saw your buddy caught the first fish..and you guys start nailing them Coho.
10/11/2015 12:30:00 PM
Awesome to say the least. Was your friend fishing a Blue Fox? That seems to be a favorite of most people.
10/11/2015 12:50:00 PM
Goldrigge1 he wasn't fish a blue fox I didn't ask him. I was gold blade with a little fir at the tail of it. Thanks for all the support guys
10/11/2015 1:54:00 PM
Good to see you had such a good day!
10/11/2015 10:29:00 PM
Well done, sounds like an awesome day.
10/12/2015 11:51:00 AM
Fairly new to the river fishing scene but absolutely love getting out to TE when I can. I have been nothing but skunked last 4x out and trying to put my finger on how to progress. Question I have is what is the length between bobber stop, and swivel, and then leader length you guys are going with when floating roe? And are you adding "flavor" to store-bought cured eggs? thanks for any and all help
10/12/2015 7:50:00 PM
big jims bacon burger at the pilchuck that the secret great job on your limit !!
10/12/2015 7:50:00 PM
big jims bacon burger at the pilchuck that the secret great job on your limit !!
10/13/2015 4:27:00 PM
Way to go guys that's what I call catchin not fishin
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709