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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Olney Creek Report
Snohomish County, WA



Fly Fishing
Cutthroat Trout
Floating Fly Line

After witnessing a poaching of a snagged boot king at the wallace, i decided to get away from the crowds, and went to olney creek (above olney falls). A very good move. I waded about 3 miles of pristine stream with complete solitude. Me my 3weight and nature. I c&rd roughly 100 small cutthroat in about 4 hours, size ranged from 5"-9" nothing huge or even average lol, but made for a pleasent afternoon. I used a size 8 orange/brown wooley bugger that i tied. I caught fish from about a dozen holes, 1hole looked like there were 200-300 trout in just that one hole, i caught 30-40 in that hole before they stopped biting. My fly would hit the water, and trout were swarming it immediately, in one instance every time i stripped line i got a hit... i also caught trout between holes in 2ft deep riffles, near logjams, and near under cut banks. It was a fun little adventure. Great scenery too.


9/22/2014 8:07:00 AM
Out standing, next time take a gold pan and a snuffer bottle :-) How were the bugs ?
9/22/2014 10:26:00 AM
No bugs :)
The Quadfather
9/22/2014 1:00:00 PM
Nice story. Hadn't seen any reports for awhile. Sounds like a nice scenic place
9/22/2014 8:36:00 PM
It sounds like a magical adventure. I get concerned about casualties with such large numbers of catch and release.
I hope it was minimal.
9/22/2014 9:54:00 PM
The fly in the first picture was bit possibly 200 times, and was completely thrashed, it looked WAY better before all those cutts destroyed it. I justrealized when i looked at the pic how ugly that fly became.
9/22/2014 11:59:00 PM
The death rate was 0 fishing tenor, barbless flies minimal handling... there is no safer way to fish and i dont appreciate what your implying. I took only 1pic the rest either fell off the hook, or i gently shook the hook with hemastats....i hate how people feel the need to make such a negative implication when i went out of my way to make this report for you...i am an expert trout angler, ive caught 10,000+trout im the last person you should try to councel.
Fishing tenor, do not comment on my reports again.
9/26/2014 3:46:00 PM
pretty trout, pretty creek.
9/27/2014 12:28:00 PM
Great report...! I showed my son and he said "Dad that's the kind of fishing I want to do". Getting away from the crowds.. and smalls can be the prettiest fish, it doesn't always have to be about the biggest fish.

I understand your getting upset about FishingTenor's comment. I posted here a couple years ago about fishing a lake in Oregon. I showed a pict of 10 fish my friend and I kept over three day camping trip and someone gave me crap about catch and release. The lake is stocked with 5k fish a year. Idk.. guess some people just have to open their mouths.

How long is your 3 weight? Would a 5 weight be too big for a creek like this?

Take care!
Mike Carey
9/27/2014 1:50:00 PM
Nice, I can appreciate the solitude. Guys complain about the angling crowds, you have the solution, go where people ain't!
Lord Of The Fly
9/28/2014 3:28:00 PM
Thanks for the report JonB. I always enjoy reading them. Now that I'm a new dad, I can only live vicariously through them. Ah...the days when a guy could just pack a bag, head for the wilderness with all his fishing gear and fly fish all day long. You're living my dream man. Family and kids are great, but I miss those solo fishing days too.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709