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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skokomish River Report
Mason County, WA


Drift Fishing
Chinook Salmon
Corky & Yarn

hit the sko this morning.. a lot of people yet not as many fish as the past years. didn't expect opening day to be this slow. I was able to catch and land 2 first peak of sunrise. other fellow fishermans there with me was caught fish as well..it was here and there but at least some of us didn't go home empty handed.. heard a lot of rumors about the natives.. don't know don't really care, but hopefully the fishing picks up. hopefully better when the coho are running in.


Brat Bonker
8/2/2014 11:05:00 PM
glad you at least had some luck congrats!
Big Mike
8/3/2014 3:53:00 PM
I fished it Fri. and sat. usually it's 15-20 guys in each hole going after 20-30 fish. this time it was the same amount of guys going after 4-5 fish in each hole. the slowest opener overall that I've seen in years.still it was a awesome weekend fishing and camping out. got to discover some new holes as we walked down stream and fished almost all the way to the salt. Pretty freakin' hot walking in the bright sun all the way back to the car but it was worth the work out to be out on the river.
8/4/2014 4:41:00 PM
When are you guys going to learn, I have fished the skok for 45 years and the only way to get the madness to stop is to attend the north of falcon meetings and put pressure on the state and any federal people, the tribe is doing what most of you would probably do and that is to take what they can take and don't stop until it's gone. Why do you think they have limits.
Most people sit and complain about the tribe instead of acting like adults.
Take pictures, document, keep the movies or documents and attend the North of Falcon Meetings!
The tribe doesn't care if you show up or not, they would love to have all the fish to themselves.
don't wine and scream to the people that can't do anything, put pressure on state elected officials and the feds. We have to show up in numbers and be heard. I have fished with most of the tribe on the river for years, and done just fine but the more we get the more they are asking for. Try and get the state to pay attention to the folks in Oregon and "Just say no" to the tribes in Washington State.
8/4/2014 5:41:00 PM
thanks Brat Bonker.
8/4/2014 5:42:00 PM
I agree LocalDewd. but hopefully it wont be as bad as it seem. coho is right around the corner. hope to get some of those bad boys
8/9/2014 10:04:00 PM
localdewed, it would be helpful if you put your informative post int he main forum where more people would see it.

So your saying the skok tribe did something different from last year enabling them so suck out all the fish the 24 hours prior to the opener, which made many sportsmen sad and I don't know how many tribals happy?

I could come as a representative of Seattle? Which meeting in particular should I attend next year?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709