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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cowlitz River Report
Cowlitz County, WA




Drove down to the river to meet a couple friends to try our hand at smelt...
Was a fortunate day I must say! It took about 40 minutes to get our limits.
Was fun, some spots were hot and some the fish were worked for.
We were right in the middle...one dip, one fish. Another dip 5-8 fish.
One incredible spot had lots of fish per dip, that was fun to watch and hear hoots from :)
Good times!

Going to cook some up and smoke the others

Took some of the smelt and tried for sturgeon. Had one on then it broke the mono line. Another day


3/5/2014 4:58:00 PM
Congratulations on your haul of fresh tasty smelt,good looking photo of catch,look's like catch is prepped and ready for deep freeze.Would appreciate any info on this fishery,it's a long haul from Seattle.This report and another posted here on Wa-lks 3/1/2014 by Uplander are the only reports I have read.It seems both of you hit at the right time,with reports of limits in less than 60 seconds by Uplander. Akfishgrl, interested on any info on this fishery,you can pm if you like,would appreciate the info.This fishery was extended by WDFW for only 1 additional fishery this coming Saturday.WDFW reported a commercial fishery netted close to 9,000lbs in the past week,hopefully this run has not peaked.
3/6/2014 10:21:00 PM
Thanks Cloudy! I sent you a pm. The smoked ones turned out tastylicious! Good luck!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709