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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



46° - 50°
Bottom Fishing From Shore
Pink Salmon
41° - 45°

This was the first time I ever fished the skykomish river. I used a pink jig to catch one of my fish, and a silver spoon to catch the second. The other two people I was fishing with caught 5 in between themselves. They caught theirs with jigs and spoons also. I got a few more bites on copper, pink, and gold spoons also. The only problems with fishing for pinks is that they taste bad if they already have started to change color, so don't eat them unless they are still silver. The second problem is that their mouths are very soft so you can't set the hook hard or else you will rip it out of their mouths. The way I fished was I cut through a farm and over some electric fence (probably not the best idea cause I got shocked) and down a small trail and stepped in the water about 2 feet deep with some waders on. Which is a really easy way to get on the river. Both of the salmon that I caught were about 3-4 pounds.


1/29/2014 12:19:00 PM
Dude... humpy season is long gone!
1/29/2014 12:22:00 PM
1) he just signed up on WaLakes on Jan 22

2) his report is for Sept.28th. :-)
The Nuts
1/29/2014 12:36:00 PM
Nice job Lagit! And welcome to the site. You'll find there are a lot of good people here willing to help out and provide good information.
1/29/2014 12:45:00 PM
Nice job kid, congratulations on the Pinks and welcome to the board. Thanks for describing your access to the river, I got a "kick" out the electric fence as I'm sure you did. Way to be adventurous though. Hope you post more adventures.
1/29/2014 4:54:00 PM
Welcome. Keep the reports coming
1/30/2014 1:37:00 PM
Welcome aboard Legit10. Lol I know exactly what fence that is and have been shocked myself. That spot is good for coho salmon as well in the fall!
The Quadfather
1/30/2014 5:19:00 PM
" The way I fished was I cut through a farm and over some electric fence (probably not the best idea cause I got shocked)"
And you know some old-timer is cracking up in his rocking chair up at the homestead, lol....
1/30/2014 5:56:00 PM


2/6/2014 1:05:00 PM
Got the vid fixed lol
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709