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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Phillips Lake Report
Mason County, WA




Please read Bobs report on Spencer lake because that is where we started the day and caught 20 bass. After a quick ride down the rode we relaunched the boat again and once more started to fish. The lake water is always a little clearer than Spencer lake and has less shallow areas. We started out with Rapala f-11 in silver and were doing so-so but I decided to start changing lures because the slope of the bottom tapers off really fast in most places and I wanted to get down a little deeper. So I started to throw different types of crank baits. This started a feeding frenzy in miniture. In the end I was throwing a small spinner bait with green and orange blades the colors of perch and a small black and clear skirt. Between the crank baits and the spinner bait we boated 18 more bass and one trout. The bass averaged 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 pounds with a few small one thrown in every now and then. It was a crank bait day, if it wiggled, the bass bit it. If it ran shallow or ran deep it didn't matter. The spinner baits that worked best was a smaller one. Big ones didn't do a thing. They like small baits at this time of year. Lot of beds and a few bass were setting on them. Phillips Lake bass tend to spawn in water quite a bit deeper than in Spencer lake on the whole. Both have some big fish and we saw a lot of 4,5 and a 6+ pounder but they all had lock-jaw. The bass were in a mix of pre-spawn, spawn and a few post spawn and that is a tough but exciting mix to fish. it means anything goes. Use search baits and don't stay in one place too long. We tried jigs and worms but only caught 1 very small bass on it dispite using it all day long. This is also a great lake to take kid fishing on because of all the Sun Fish. they can a bucket load in no time and that is just the way little kids like it.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709