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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



51° - 55°
Coho Salmon
Mostly Sunny
46° - 50°

I've been hitting the Green in my spare time for several weeks and haven't seen anything but zombie pinks. After reading a few reports the Green was picking up Brett and I decided to try our luck. We went to Golf Course Rd in Auburn and fished the first big bend. Was only one other person there who was twitching a jig (pink & back) and swore he was just missing fish but who knows, could have been snagging a rock or something. He never did get anything. I did switch to a dark pink jig after trying spawn sacks with no luck. After maybe 20 casts twitching a big male pink in surprisingly good shape hit about 10 feet from shore. Gave me a good 2-3 minute fight and I finally landed him. Decided to keep him for the smoker. After another 45 minutes of no luck with the jig and watching some bright coho jumping all over the place, I decided to try to piss them off and put a fairly large silver flatfish with pink spots on my regular drift rig weight and about 6' of leader. Did that for 30 minutes and got down to my last cast of the day when this a slightly pink female decided to make my day. She too put up a good fight and got added to my fish bag. These were my first two fish EVER on the Green after several years of half-hearted trying. Finally broke the ice! Maybe things will come a little easer now. Brett unfortunately got skunked and was none too happy about it. He hates it when the ol man out-fishes him. The other two guys fishing there didn't get anything or I might have given this a 3. Cleaning the fish was a chore. The meat was pretty pale and the small bones you normally pull out of the fillet just broke off. In the future I'll probably just put these kind of fish back in the river because I hate trying to pull bones and have them break off. Hoping after the brine they'll be easier to get out. Any tips would be appreciated.


10/27/2013 10:28:00 PM
Nice dark coho for the green! How was the meat in that Coho? That is my normal spot in the pic.
10/27/2013 10:33:00 PM
Congrats on breaking into the Green. Hope it's the first of many. Have heard freezing the fillets and then thawing first can make the pin bones easier to remove. Haven't put that to the test yet though. So far I have just smoked mine with the pin bones in, but am new to smoking fish. Congrats on your success.
Bretts Dad
10/27/2013 11:30:00 PM
Dadamunky, the meat was pale. Hoping the brine and smoker make it worth keeping the fish otherwise I'll feel bad about keeping her.
10/28/2013 7:18:00 AM
You can get pin bones out with a "carrot (fruit) peeler". Get the bone in the slot and use your finger to hold on and pull it out. I saw it from a chef on YouTube.

IMO, those fish are too old. Too many hormones for too long. I've also heard Fukishima is still leaking radioactivity into the ocean. Not sure on how much but it may be best to not eat too many Pinks as they migrate that way during their life. Coho and Kings are said to feed in the Bering Sea near Alaska. I'm not sure on that, but read it on a website.
Gringo Pescador
10/28/2013 7:55:00 AM
For pin bones, in the past I have left them in and pulled them after smoking (especially fresh coho & steelhead as it is harder to pull em). The meat will shrink back a little while smoking exposing the pin bones, then just take some (clean) tweesers and pluck em out.
10/28/2013 9:57:00 AM
I would've kept the Coho. She is right at the point where the meat could go either way. Could be orange, could be pale. I wouldn't be keeping any pinks right about now. That meat had to be pretty bad. Chum are slowly starting to roll through that area. The only thing I don't like about that bank is all the blatant snaggers that line up there. I usually venture to spots where you need waders and it weeds most of them out. Congrats on your catch!
10/28/2013 10:44:00 AM
Just a heads up here BD, you may want to check the regs. No bait allowed on that section of the Green,as I understand it not even scent can be used. Could be wrong though! Thanks for the report.
10/28/2013 10:49:00 AM
Bait is open now after oct 15th, so you are good.

mizm05 : Nobody at the beach anymore, all the snaggers moved to 18. 1-2 guys there a day, most fishing eggs or blue foxes, I even saw guys fly fishing down there this morning.
10/28/2013 11:46:00 AM
Good to know. I'll try that area again. See if I can't find some chum. If I hit a decent silver in the process, bonus.
Bretts Dad
10/28/2013 2:15:00 PM
The pink was a late arrival, he looked really good on the outside but the meat is pale. As I said I won't keep any more fish this dark on the chance they might have good meat because odds are they won't.
10/29/2013 12:32:00 PM
Maybe it's just my inexperience but the coloring on that pink looks odd. You'd think the back and sides would be darker if the head was black? Well if nothing else you can turn him into some tasty crab meat :)
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709