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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Duwamish River Report
King County, WA


71° - 75°
Pink Salmon

Fished near 112th during lunch, saw only kings rolling initially, then a bunch of finning pinks...most moving through with a purpose...hooked a big king, stayed deep- on a humpy jig, unbuttoned. Then hooked another one- this one fouled, got to shore and let it go....hooked one more king and one pink, the pink was fouled, decided to quit -if that many fish are around and not biting,head home! And back to work! Saw one other guy hook a king, got it in fast but could tell it was tail hooked , sorry I yelled to you guys but first of all kings are c/r, secondly bonking a foul hooked fish when your buddy suggests it, was hard for me to hear, thanks for doing the right thing guys....it may get better out there but seemed to me the fish were moving only......must know the storm is coming...I did not expect that many kings, had very light tackle...


Rob w
9/5/2013 8:43:00 PM
times are hard. people are hungry. when they start addressing the nets issue, and mean it, well. nuff said. they put us into this crap. grays harbor group is currently suiting the dept, for years of not letting the public know, that they have been setting netting seasons, even with all the esa listings, thats we sportsman have to obey. how can it help, if this keeps going? if i get a king, next few days, trolling low on this river, i may just bonk it to.. over 55, paid my dues.
Bank drifter
9/6/2013 6:07:00 AM
Well, basically we all know fishing is a bit of an honor system -and there are a lot of folks doing illegal activity-I warned the guys since it is a huge fine if caught. I really did not understand the whole native american fishing rights thing (and still am not an expert) but I read a very interesting book (you can get it for $6 on Amazon used) called King of Fish 1000 year run of salmon-not only does it tell you how we have systematically destroyed our salmon runs globally-it gets into detail in the PAC NW and not surprisingly it is the white man that has really done it-the native americans never took more than 1/2 of the spawners headed upriver-we took a lot more and destroyed most of the runs-tried to supplant them with hatchery runs-not very successful. But-the bottom line is that we screwed them out of their fishing rights when we made deals for their land-they were unable to harvest the way we did (out in the sound) since they had no capital for boats back then and could not borrow money, -we gave them upriver rights but fish never got there-so a big part of what they are getting now is "sovereign rights" which they deserved in the first place. However, I am not sure how many are being taken-we deserve to have that knowledge, etc and maybe if we were all more in the know about what and when they are netting we could plan our fishing accordingly-I have seen fisheries folks cutting illegal nets on the Stilly before so there is culpability on that side too. BTW-the kings are total boots....
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709