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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Drift Fishing

Stopped to check out the Sultan. fished at High Bridge, and finally fished a little higher on the Sky. Weren't taking jigs today, so I fell victim to my old ways and ended up spoon feeding a Steelie. Looks like this one escaped a net! The one yesterday was the WORST fighting Steelhead, but today I got 1 decent run out of this Winter Buck :)

Tight Lines!


Gringo Pescador
11/27/2012 7:35:00 AM
Nice fish! GREAT pics!!
11/27/2012 12:04:00 PM
Fenwick HMX and Stradic - Got the same combo and love it.
11/27/2012 1:23:00 PM
Beautiful fish!! Thanks for sharing the pictures. There's steel in them thar hills...
11/27/2012 5:30:00 PM
Neither of those are steelhead you have a coho on the left and a nice cutthroat on the right hahahah
11/27/2012 6:48:00 PM
Thanks Gringo, looking forward to seeing you on the river again! MLubov5336, I'm very thankful you're not a). fish biologist, b). fishing the Skykomish with me :)

I'm going to call up Santa and if you're good this year, you might get an identification guide in your stocking; nice identification attempt though.. Summer Run Steel are usually much skinnier than Winters, and have the pink stripe.

Tight Lines!
11/27/2012 7:44:00 PM
I think mlbov5336 was referring to the identification methods used in another Skykomish report that was recently posted. Good old steelie spoons strike again!
Gringo Pescador
11/27/2012 8:30:00 PM
You'll have to throw me a lesson on spoons the next time we meet up Ryan, I'm still trying to land my 1st on em.
Mike Carey
11/27/2012 9:56:00 PM
I knew there had to be fish in that thar river!
11/27/2012 9:59:00 PM
Nice FISH !! GOOD JOB ! : )
Bank drifter
11/28/2012 6:22:00 AM
Ryan, awesome job, I may be the spoon guy you met last year in Fall City....I have a 9 lb buck and a little mini so far......think we ran into each other this summer up north too....
11/28/2012 9:27:00 AM
Nice Job Cuz!
11/28/2012 8:46:00 PM
Well first off that summer run is just as bright and chrome as these winter runs that have been showing up that we have been catching. Steelhead usually turn darker olive in color before having a pink line show up buddy. Keep up talking trash and maybe one day ill see ya out on the water and show you really how to catch a fish or two
11/28/2012 9:38:00 PM
MLubov5336: What's the point of reporting your own comments as inappropriate/negative???
11/28/2012 11:53:00 PM
Thanks Brada Jas, see you on the river! Bank Drifter, I know who you are my friend; nice work with the Winter Steel :)
Gringo, I'll take you up on that deal if you show me how to slay it with your jigs!
Tight lines :)!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709