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Rocky Ford Creek Report
Grant County, WA



36° - 40°
Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout
Floating Fly Line
All Day
56° - 60°

I got out to Rocky Ford creek a bit after sun up for my first real fly fishing trip with my good friend Dave. Boy, what a humbling experience! I was quickly schooled by Dave / Sensei on how to do battle with a fly rod as we walked to the creek. Experienced in the art of teaching new recruits how to survive their first day of fly fishing, Dave demonstrated how easy and effortless it is to cast a fly more than 10 yards. With this new knowledge, and now knowing everything possible about fly fishing, he turned me loose. He smiled and quickly distanced himself out of self preservation and embarrassment of having any association with me.
This proved wise, as I stood poised with my rod behind some low bushes. With Ninja like moves, I took my first shot at a twenty plus inch trout looking back up at me from the other side of the bush. I am sure I looked deadly to that fish as it watched me untangle my fly line from the bush. With that said, I continued on throughout the day catching my limits of bushes, cat tails, fences, back packs, rocks and of course myself. Seeing all this through binoculars, Dave returned to the scene of the battle where I stood bleeding from where I had just remove the last fly that I had attempted to cast. He took pity on me, as I look at him as if I was about to be defeated, and decided to pull out his secret weapon, a Scud he called it, which he presented to me before diving for cover. I quickly became rejuvenated because I vaguely remember a number of years back that some Israelis, I believe used them with great success on trout or was that Iraq. With this in mind I worked back to my post behind the bush and began whipping the water like my life depended on it. As the rain began to reduce visibility, I miraculously nailed a fat rainbow in the sixteen inch class. This was followed a bit later by another one! I figure this had to be skill and not the fact that a hatchery truck had pulled up close to me and was restocking the creek with fish of similar size.
Any who, feeling like I was no longer cannon fodder, I went to see how Dave was doing. He had landed at least a dozen well fed rainbows and probably lost an additional twenty. I believe he was using Scuds, black Woolly buggers, and Streamers. You can see from the picture I posted of him with one of the larger rainbows he caught that he was a very happy Soldier. All in all I believe we both left the creek at the end of the day with our expectation exceeded. I am really looking forward to fishing this creek again and if I am really lucky I will have my Sensei along to teach me a bit more.


11/25/2012 9:20:00 AM
Having a sensei helps tremendously.My late fishing buddy passed away 3 years ago at the young age of 95.
In his young frisky days,(his 60's) he taught fly fishing on the Whitefeather river in Montana.I never fly fished before and he took me under his wing.
On our first trip out My fly hit everything but the water.He had me wear a rubber band around my wrist and checked the angle I whipped my pole around.After a quick laugh,lunch and a cup of coffee,he went to work on me.
After just a few minutes I managed to throw that fly out about 25 feet and hooked my first wild cutthroat ,after hefting that 4 1/2 inch beauty,I was hooked.
two weeks later I could cast further than bob and caught my first 25 inch dolly vardon out of the hoh river.
I still miss the old fart that got me hooked on such an expensive fishery.He lived an amazing life we all should envy.He was out fishing 2 days before he died.I just hope I'll be able to chew oatmeal if I live so long.Most of all,I miss his constant half truth tales of Montana and his stubborn(aggravating) Norwegian character.
My favorite memory of him was standing outside albertsons waiting for his wife,having a cigarette when an old gal came out of the store waving her hand.Don't you know what those things do to you? she said.He just cooly said,Lady, you see that mountain over there?Yes.she said.I could walk over that son of a b!tch in a day.he replied.
He's right,at 85 we were hiking 11 miles into Deep creek,a pleasant blend of marsh and devils club that made vietnam look like a walk on the beach.
Well thanks for the chance to rant,Just remember,flyfishermen have longer rods(and more sensitive tips).
11/25/2012 9:21:00 AM
I don't know why that all came out as 1 long sentence.
11/25/2012 9:26:00 AM
Great report and keep Sensei at your side for a few more trips he will make you a master with that fly rod
zen leecher
11/25/2012 9:32:00 AM
good Rocky Ford report and glad you had a nice time on your first visit.
11/25/2012 6:11:00 PM
nice! I drove right by there Friday~ were you guys in a red truck? I was going to either hit Rufus or Potholes but ended up fishing for hostess treats
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709