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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Carbon River Report
Pierce County, WA


Drift Fishing
Chinook Salmon
Corky & Yarn

The Carbon was very slow on Monday (9/3/2012) compared to Saturday (9/1/2012). Saturday, we got to Orting at about 4:30AM and found out that we were late... so we parked about 3 blocks further away than normal and hiked in to find 6 bonfires, 3 tents, some people who roped off a section of river saying no one else could fish there, and about 20 people who decided to stay up all nite and party. When did the Carbon start getting like this? It seems that this year has just be crazy. There are more and more people on the rivers and more and more of them are retarded. Starting to ruin the part of fishing that I like most, peaceful relaxation. Now I find myself getting frustrated with all the people and the garbage they don't pick up and not following rules and all that crap that goes along with the scene... Sorry, had a little steam blowing off.

Anyways, we crossed the river and decided to fish the 3rd hole below the mouth of Voights. First fish on and landed at 6:00 AM, native ~15lb hen..let her go, gently of course :) Hooked up into a couple more fish but didn't get a chance to play them long as they jumped and spit the hook everytime.

Monday, we got there at about 3:00pm and fished til 7:30PM. Had two on but they jumped and spit the hooks.. Guess thats what happens when you use barbless hooks like you are supposed to... My brother hooked and landed a huge hen, had to be ~24-26 lbs... He let her go, cuz she was hooked in the gill plate and cuz hens are no good for meat.. Several other people had hookups and one other fish was landed, but it was very slow. Tons of snags on the bottom, but if you can keep your gear moving its alright.


9/4/2012 10:00:00 AM
Thanks for the report, I was wondering how it was going on the Carbon. Knuckleheads, like the ones you encountered, are why I don't go out in the woods on long weekends.
9/4/2012 11:12:00 AM
thats crazy
9/4/2012 11:42:00 AM
Apparently, the people who run this website alter/censor what I had to say. There was a lot more in this report, like the part about the people who were snagging fish left and right and keeping them. So much for freedom of speech, I guess everything has to be P.C. these days. Anyways, yes it was crazy and yes, knuckleheads/retards/idots (however you wanna call it) are a good reason to give up fishing all together.
9/4/2012 12:17:00 PM
i keep the wdfw number on my phone to help detour the dummies that fish illegal, it is 360-902-2500 , try it
9/4/2012 1:05:00 PM
Fish-Freak23: Your opinions about snagging/flossing are valid, no doubt about it. BUT they do not add value to your report. Members do not gain any insight into the fishing conditions or gain knowledge about how you went about catching the fish when 3/4 of your reports are just you ranting. The Snagging/Flossing topic itself leads to ranting, complaining, and name calling and has no place in the reports section at all. You want to discuss that, or rant about that, do it in the forum... where, as history has shown, we'll probably end up having to warn users, delete topics, and ban users sooner or later.
9/4/2012 1:09:00 PM
Thats fine. I can still say what I want to say, its my report not yours. Its a public site correct? Therefore, I have the right to say what I want to say and not have it censored by someone else who didn't have my experience. Other people do the same thing, get over it and let me say what I want to say.
9/4/2012 1:12:00 PM
They do gain insight because the members, being the proper fishermen/women that we are, will be able to help with the snaggin problem. The WDFW gets calls all the time about snagging and they won't always be there to handout tickets. Its up to us, the responsible fishermen/women, to help make sure that everyone follows proper protocol. If people know there are snagged fish being kept and aren't doing anything, they are just enabling those who snag to keep doing it. I tell the truth to those "snaggers" (not flossers because thats a different term) and let them know its not ok.
9/4/2012 1:21:00 PM
Funny thing is... this isn't a democracy. You're free to post what you want, I'm free to edit/delete it. You have no rights other than the rights I so generously give you. Abuse them, and they can disappear. We don't need to butt heads here. We both know the snagging subject is a hot one. I don't want the report area filled with it. Period.
9/4/2012 2:15:00 PM
Ok Obama. Thanks.
9/4/2012 2:41:00 PM
Yet again, give a man a little power and he thinks he controls everything. There's no butting heads hear, I just would like people to be informed of the way others are fishing so they can take proper action to help curb those nasty habits of others. There was no debate of snagging/flossing in my original post, that no one can see now because it was deleted. I said that there were people snagging and keeping fish. You know...like hooking them in the butt, tail, dorsal, back, side, anywhere but the mouth. There was no argument about flossing or snagging, so don't alter/censor/change/etc., my reports. They aren't your experience and therefore you have no say in how or what I did. As a member of this site, I have a right to say what I want. As a public outsider, I like reading what other reports have to say. Now that I know they are "tainted", I don't even know if the reports are worth reading anymore. As a U.S. Citizen, I have a right to freedom of speech on a public website where anyone(the public) can view this page.
9/4/2012 3:00:00 PM
Dude.. get a grip. Your report is the 2nd report I've censored in well over a year. It needed doing. Like I said before, you have no rights other than the ones I give you. We live in a free country, a country that gives me the freedom to do as I will with MY stuff (and by my stuff I mean anything you submit to us (Terms, Section 6.)). This here is private property, not public property. You'll play by the rules or you won't play. 20,000+ others have no problem following the rules.
9/4/2012 3:19:00 PM
Bro....Maybe you should have posted it and let the people decide if it needed censoring. My reports simply give topics for people to talk about, not to mention inform people about bad practices goin on and to look out for it. Isn't that what you want your website to do? It's not "your" content if I wrote it, thats plagiarism (taking what I wrote, and editing it, and calling it yours.) Stop censoring what I have to say.
9/4/2012 3:41:00 PM
Per our Terms of agreement located at the bottom of each page: "All comments, articles, tutorials, screenshots, pictures, graphics, tools, downloads, and all other materials submitted to DA in connection with the Site or available through the Site (collectively, "Submissions") remain the property and copyright of the original author. If You submit Submissions to DA, You must adhere to any applicable submission guidelines that may be posted from time to time on the Site. By submitting any Submission to DA, You grant DA a worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, fully-paid royalty-free license and right to use, reproduce, distribute, import, broadcast, transmit, modify and create derivative works of, license, offer to sell, and sell, rent, lease or lend copies of, publicly display and publicly perform that Submission for any purpose and without restriction or obligation to You."
Mike Carey
9/4/2012 6:24:00 PM
"As a U.S. Citizen, I have a right to freedom of speech on a public website". Um, no, that's actually not how it works. Do go back and read what our Founding Fathers had to say about the subject of free speech. This isn't a "public" forum in the sense that the public is funding it. It's a private business, as just about every web site on the internet is. If it has ".gov" at the end of the address you may have an argument. It's our choice to edit content as we deem fit. If you're unhappy with that, we are sorry, but that's the way it is.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709